lenguje think the Latino? difficult or easy What do you think of spanish? Difficult or easy? sorry :)
23 мая 2010 г., 22:07
Ответы · 4
"lenguaje" Lenguaje think the latino ?! no tengo ni idea !
23 мая 2010 г.
Spanish would be easier depending on you native language. A person that speaks a language in the same family as Spanish might have an easier time understanding it and learning it. And if you mean Latin, it is a very interesting and helpful language if you are learning one of the child languages of Latin, but it is supposedly difficult to learn.
23 мая 2010 г.
I am not sure what your question means either
23 мая 2010 г.
what does your question mean? lenguje think the latino? ... language think the latino....do you mean .." Do you think spanish is difficullt or easy?" or "What do you think of spanish? Difficult or easy?" que esta tratando de decir?
23 мая 2010 г.
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