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“才能得分不被判出局” 是什么意思? :-p
17 июля 2010 г., 3:56
Ответы · 8
you will get the score so you can continue you game i agree with what eco huang said,说的应该是jolin的歌词 这句话的意思在这里是指you can keep the relatingship with girl,or you don't lose this love game
18 июля 2010 г.
20 июля 2010 г.
1.字面解释和“どらみちやん”说的一样,就是:在体育比赛中得了分就不会出局,就会赢得比赛。2.但一般汉语有很多都是用的引申义。“才能得分不被判出局”可引申为:为了成功做到某事,你必须怎样做才能得分不被判出局。3.“才能得分不被判出局”不能单独这样说,一般前面有个前提条件for example:如果你想赢得爱情就要保持魅力(条件)才能得分不被判出局;如果你想赢得爱情就要懂得见招拆招,才能得分不被判出局.4.您的问题都是蔡依林Jolin“爱情三十六计”里的歌词吧?俺是她的粉丝哦!O(∩_∩)O
17 июля 2010 г.
You will get your score and not be asked to go out. When put this sentence into the background, it means you will get your love. This sentence is out from the song of Jolin(蔡依林)。 Its name is 《爱情三十六计》。The meaning of this song is that you should have your stratagem when you are falling in love with somebody, and then you can have the initiative in this love.
17 июля 2010 г.
才能得分 不被判出局 得分=score, 出局=out, In sports games, if you score you can stay and won't be kicked out of the game.Here I think it means"if you......,you can score and won't lose your game".
17 июля 2010 г.
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