What does "academic settings" mean? What is the meaning of "settings" here?
9 сент. 2010 г., 6:26
Ответы · 6
i think "settings" means "atmosphere"here.
9 сентября 2010 г.
9 сентября 2010 г.
9 сентября 2010 г.
Academic setting is similar to "academic situation". If we are discussing how the universe began, we wouldn't use a religious text as support for our theories. "They are not accepted in academic settings." However, if we were meeting in our religious group outside of school, we would discuss the religious support for how the universe began. The settings are different. I wish that my students would realize that using the language of text-messaging in emails in not acceptable in an academic situation. U know what i'm sayin? : )
9 сентября 2010 г.
It means the type of area or atmosphere your in. Such as a school setting would imply that I'm in a school or school like environment.
9 сентября 2010 г.
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