Explain how to comprehend the sentence "Age suits you" here,thanks. Caesar:Let me look at you. Brutus:As ugly as ever,I'm afraid. Caesar:Not at all.Age suits you,Brutus
11 нояб. 2010 г., 16:52
Ответы · 3
It means that Brutus looks better (e.g., more handsome) as he gets older.
11 ноября 2010 г.
Brutus is ugly so he is age appropriate. lol
11 ноября 2010 г.
Actually I read a subtext here. Brutus wants to seem humble by saying he is ugly. He has (stupidly) set himself up for a backhanded comment by Caesar: Caesar basically says, yes Brutus is ugly, but that's OK because that kind of ugliness is suitable for someone Brutus' age. Just blame the age. :P
11 ноября 2010 г.
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