What does the term" I got caught up" mean in English???
1 февр. 2011 г., 22:07
Ответы · 8
To be "caught up" means you are thinking about something so much that you forget other things. It might be a pretty girl but it is usually used for some task at school or work, or watching tv, or surfing the web. example: " I got so caught up answering questions on italki that I forgot to go to class."
1 февраля 2011 г.
Imagine you're a fish, and you get caught up in a fishing net. This is where the expression comes from. The rest should be obvious.
2 февраля 2011 г.
To make up a deficit. Also to become involved in a situation. Usage of “caught up” After the trans-Pacific flight, it took one week to get caught up on my sleep. She got caught up in a drug trafficking ring. She now spots and reports police locations to the network. http://www.idiomquest.com/learn/idiom/caught-up/
2 февраля 2011 г.
This is Hurley of the Brian class speaking to classmate Rami: Attracted by some one or thing, like you facsinating a girl.
1 февраля 2011 г.
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