Native English speakers truely exchange polite "hellos" everyday? or just say "hi,shitface"
5 апр. 2011 г., 1:47
Ответы · 4
I use "hello" so much as a native speaker! At school when I see people, I always greet them first: "hiya", "hey", "how're you?", etc.
5 апреля 2011 г.
"G'day", where I'm from actually. :) If you mean saying hello to the same person several times a day (eg. your workmate), then that's a little weird.
5 апреля 2011 г.
I must say I've never been greeted with your suggestion "hi, shitface" (which is a swear word and would be offensive unless you were joking on with a friend...). If I go into a shop I'll often say "hello!" cheerily to the shopkeeper, and if I see someone on the street who I know I'll often say "hi!", "you alright?" or just "alright?".
5 апреля 2011 г.
Hey Gannicus! Spartacus is here always waiting for you.
5 апреля 2011 г.
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