I like to know others cultures and countries, therefore I consider to teach is a good oportunity for we learn about our counties and other people.
I think, when we talk with other people we travel through the words.
I like to read about Asia, mystery novels, also I love to know museums, art galleries, and visit other countries and cities.
Finally, I love to learn about all things, like history, politic, art, feminism, languages, books, postcards, religious, etc.
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Я как преподаватель
I like to teach away funny, because I think learning can be interesting and that help us a better or change our thinking.
Мои уроки и стиль преподавания
We´ll being with simple conversations, care off pronunciation the words and we´ll do sentences about your life, culture, country and work or school.
I´ll recommend movies, music and books that you understand easier Spanish language, that will help you learn away funny.
Мой учебный материал
Статьи и новости
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Текстовые документы
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