Откуда ИндонезияГде живет: Singapore, Сингапур (21:53 UTC+08:00)
Обо мне
Преподает на italki с 19 Jan 2018 г.
Интересующая темаЕдаПутешествияМузыкаСпортИстория
I am Chinese Indonesian currently living in Singapore. I work full-time as programme coordinator/administrator in a university and part-time as a violin teacher. After using italki for a year to learn Italian and French, I started to also give lessons in Mandarin, Indonesian, and English. I spoke English in a native-like C2 level as my Bachelor's degree was conducted in English in Singapore.
Parlo l'italiano a livello B2-C1 e ho insegnato il cinese e l'indonesiano da zero ad alcuni studenti italiani qui su italki. Non ci sarà un problema per me spiegare la grammatica di quelle due lingue in italiano.
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Я как преподаватель
I have been teaching the violin since July 2010. Although it might not be exactly the same as teaching languages, I believe the skills I gain from this experience is relevant: how to motivate students, how to put myself in their shoes, etc. I myself have taken many lessons in italki (more than 200 with around 30 teachers) so I know how exactly to make online learning less intimidating & enjoyable for students
Мои уроки и стиль преподавания
For total beginners, I usually use textbooks that are specifically designed for foreign learners, but with me to guide, you need not worry that using the textbook will make you sound too textbook-ish.
For intermediate to advanced level students who prefer to just converse, I have a list of 500+ questions from diverse topics I can use to guide our conversation. We will never run out of things to talk about! :)
IMPORTANT: I will refuse lesson request without any message. Please at least introduce yourself and let me know your expectation.
IMPORTANTE: Rifiuterò la richiesta di lezione se non mi mandate prima un messaggio. Almeno presentatevi e ditemi le vostre aspettativa.
Мой учебный материал
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Уроков: китайский (путунхуа)
китайский (путунхуа)
Пробный урок
Завершено уроков: 80
USD 5.00+
General lesson (upper beginner to intermediate)
A1 - B1Разговорная практикаЗавершено уроков: 233
USD 10.00+
На основе вашего часового пояса (UTC+00:00)
Отзывов: 171
китайский (путунхуа)
Уроков: 61, язык: индонезийский
Выбор преподавателя
Ormai Steve è più di un insegnante, un amico e un compagno di studio che mi aiuta ad apprendere questa bellissima lingua =)
5 сент. 2020 г.
Rene & Rumina
Уроков: 63, язык: китайский (путунхуа)
Выбор преподавателя
Steven is extremely patient teacher. I got very helpful advice from him, he also helps me with pronunciation and vocabulary with lots of conversation and comprehension practice.! Looking forward to our next lesson!
28 апр. 2020 г.
Camille F.
Уроков: 47, язык: китайский (путунхуа)
Выбор преподавателя
Steven is awesome!! I love having lessons with him and would recommend him to everyone looking for a fun, helpful and understanding teacher. :)
8 янв. 2020 г.
Aditya Gunawan
Уроков: 6, язык: китайский (путунхуа)
Great lesson! Steven is an extremely patient teacher. Looking forward to more lessons with him!
28 окт. 2024 г.
Ibrahim AdiSantoso
1 урок, язык: китайский (путунхуа)
Steven 老事和我商量很多东西、感谢老事。
6 авг. 2024 г.
Daniele Galimberti
Уроков: 6, язык: английский
A very kind teacher.
22 июля 2024 г.
Пробный урок
USD 5.00
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