1985 - 1991
InstructorTrent Univeristy - Peterborough, КанадаI started teaching ancient Greek and Latin, carefully walking students through some tricky grammatical pitfalls.
1993 - 2006
Instructor/ LecturerUniversity of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, КанадаI was teaching ancient Greek. My sympathetic approach, and awareness of the challenges of grammar, allowed me to coax students through first-year classes all the way to the third-year level. One of my students obtained a Ph.D. in Greek poetry. The effort was all hers, but the inspiration started with me.
1995 - 2019
President/BrewmasterPaddock Wood Brewing - Saskatoon, КанадаThis brewery gave me experience in the business and banking world. I was able to raise $2.5M, and negotiate my way around provincial regulations.
2016 - 2020
LecturerUniversity of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, КанадаThe course of Rhetorical Communication (RCM 300) is designed for students who are seeking professional degrees. Professional written English is different from casual spoken English, and much of our class time is spent polishing and refining writing skills. Perhaps 1/3 of the course focuses on improving their spoken English and making professional presentations.
2017 - 2019
instructorSaskpolytech - Saskatoon, КанадаI taught primarily English language skills to college students.