Преподаватель языка: итальянский, Valeria Soave

Valeria Soave

Профессиональный преподаватель
Владение языком
Certified Italian teacher with wide experience
Откуда ИталияГде живет: Cadiz, Испания (00:54 UTC+01:00)
Обо мне
Преподает на italki с 15 Jun 2020 г.
Интересующая темаПутешествияПисьмоМузыка
My lessons are personalized, highly structured and deliberately improvised. In my 20 year experience and studies I’ve been collecting methods, materials and strategies that match the students’ needs and styles of learning at all levels: starting from scratch, improving their performance, preparing exams and practicing cross-cultural communication. The evaluation process and error treatment will be cooperative within a frame of consciously planned learning pattern. Mis lecciones son personalizadas, oscilan entre estructura e improvisación en el marco de un proyecto de enseñanza consciente, pensado y en progreso, que puedo gestionar y adaptar gracias a mis 20 años de experiencia y estudios.
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Уроков: итальянский

Пробный урок
Завершено уроков: 140
USD 10.00+
Trial lesson (one hour) - Clase de prueba (una hora)
A1 -  C2


Завершено уроков: 231
USD 15.00
Language teaching methodologies - Metodologie di insegnamento delle lingue
B2 -  C2


Завершено уроков: 20
USD 35.00+
Пакет со скидкой 5%
Beginners - Iniciación - A1


Завершено уроков: 577
USD 25.00+
Пакет со скидкой 10%
Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Advanced (A2 to C2)
A2 -  C2


Завершено уроков: 744
USD 25.00
Italian through conversation
A2 -  C2


Завершено уроков: 117
USD 20.00+


На основе вашего часового пояса (UTC+00:00)
Мой творческий контент
Тест (5)

Отзывов: 140

Ученик bogartb@purdue.edu
Уроков: 60, язык: итальянский
Выбор преподавателя
Professional, kind, and full of wonderful tips, resources, and relevant knowledge -- I'd recommend anyone, of any level, to spend time learning Italian with Valeria. It's always worth it.
3 янв. 2024 г.
Ученик Brian McNeece
Brian McNeece
Уроков: 11, язык: итальянский
Выбор преподавателя
Valeria is flexible and creative. Like a fine jazz player, she knows how to follow a plan and to improvise too.
9 авг. 2023 г.
Ученик Gustavo Machado
Gustavo Machado
Уроков: 32, язык: итальянский
Выбор преподавателя
Tenho feito aulas com Valeria como preparativo para o exame de certificação CILS B1. Ela direciona bem os estudos, é pontual, confiável e as conversas são sempre muito prazerosas. Tem minha recomendação! I've been taking classes with Valeria for CILS B1 exam. She is a great mentor, also punctual, reliable and our conversations are always very pleasant. I highly recommend!
21 февр. 2022 г.
Ученик Tanya Nesterenko
Tanya Nesterenko
Уроков: 8, язык: итальянский
Perfect. Very pleasant personality, safe and relaxed style of teaching, no rush, no stress, no pressure. great ideas for next lessons and for the learning structure, various options for practicing at home. very happy to continue! mille grazie!
17 авг. 2024 г.
Ученик nicolegiaco
Уроков: 11, язык: итальянский
Valeria is a wonderful educator, tutor and guide. I feel very supported in our lessons, and she always have lots of learning and practice materials for me to use to focus my learning between our meetings. I have made progress and found confidence with Valeria's help! Grazie Mille, Valeria!
15 июля 2024 г.
Ученик Fade
Уроков: 13, язык: итальянский
Valeria è una brava e dolce professoressa. Mi è accompagnata lungo tutto il mio processo di apprendimento, offrendomi attrezzi, consigli e un feedback continuo. Sono veramente grata con lei!
7 июля 2024 г.
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