Преподаватель языка: испанский, Profe Edma

Profe Edma

Профессиональный преподаватель
Владение языком
Profesora de español para extranjeros acreditada por el Instituto Cervantes
Откуда ВенесуэлаГде живет: Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Испания (14:20 UTC+00:00)
Обо мне
Преподает на italki с 29 Jan 2020 г.
Интересующая темаМузыкаКиноИстория
HI! My name is Edma Grosse and I am a Cervantes Institute accredited teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE). Although I was born in Venezuela, my family originates in Spain. This cultural miscegenation, added to my education as a political scientist and cultural journalist, enriched my relationship with Spanish, a language that I teach with passion and professionalism.
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Уроков: испанский

Пробный урок
Завершено уроков: 143
USD 5.00+
¡Conversemos! - ¡Let's have a chat!
A1 -  C2

Разговорная практика

Завершено уроков: 687
USD 10.00+
A1- A2. Desde el principio - From the bottom-up (Materials included)
A1 -  A2


Завершено уроков: 1,427
USD 10.00+
Пакет со скидкой 6%
B1. Sabes un poquito ;). You know a little bit ;) (Materials included)
A2 -  B1


Завершено уроков: 1,352
USD 10.00+
Пакет со скидкой 6%
B2. Cuando termines este nivel no necesitarás traducir! (Materials included)
B1 -  C1


Завершено уроков: 678
USD 10.00+
Пакет со скидкой 6%
C1 - C2. ¡Sofistiquemos tu español! (Materiales incluidos)
C1 -  C2


Завершено уроков: 1,315
USD 10.00+
Пакет со скидкой 6%
Group class - Clase grupal (Materials included)
A1 -  C1


Завершено уроков: 45
USD 30.00+


На основе вашего часового пояса (UTC+00:00)

Отзывов: 425

Ученик Lei
Уроков: 77, язык: испанский
Выбор преподавателя
Ayer me dijó alguien que me ha visto fenomenal con el español y sin duda es por las clases con Profe Edma. Yesterday, I was told by someone that they felt my Spanish was going really well and no doubt that's because of the classes with Profe Edma! Thank you for consistently challenging me and being so kind and patient!
16 февр. 2021 г.
Ученик Matthew J. Pereira
Matthew J. Pereira
Уроков: 189, язык: испанский
Выбор преподавателя
Awesome class, as always! I have made significant improvements with Spanish over the last couple of months thanks to Edma's commitment to excellence in teaching. Edma is an exceptional teacher, who clearly loves all things about the Spanish language, which is contagious for me, as her student. Edma has pushed me into learning more grammar, and much of it - for me as a beginner (one year of Spanish) - has been brand new, nonetheless, little by little, I am learning and improving my Spanish. Edma knows how to strike the right balance between flexibility and structure. On the one hand, she is a serious teacher who will challenge you, then on the other hand, she is generous, gregarious, and will continually create space that encourages your growth. We have discussed diverse topics, from family, to culture, history and more. Lastly, in collaboration with a textbook, Edma uses many videos, articles, music, and other medium, which creates this dynamic learning environment. A+ rating.
18 авг. 2020 г.
Ученик Kent
Уроков: 31, язык: испанский
Выбор преподавателя
Edma knows how to individualize the lesson to make it meaningful for her students. She and I were able to talk about many topics, and she found ways to naturally incorporate new vocabulary and language structures into it seamlessly.
22 мар. 2020 г.
Ученик Erika
Уроков: 20, язык: испанский
I always learn a lot in Profe Edma's class. We have lots of interesting discussions in Spanish, around various themes. I am always given the chance to express my opinion and in this way, learn the vocabulary associated with a variety of topics, as well as idiomatic expressions. I learn a lot each time.
20 дек. 2024 г.
Ученик Erika
Уроков: 20, язык: испанский
Another great lesson with Profe Edma. We end each class with a clear lesson plan which she weaves into our subsequent class in a way that is very natural in the flow of our conversations. I learn a lot in every class. She is knowledgeable enough that when I have a question unrelated to the topic that was planned, Edma is able to use examples from what we were discussing to provide clear explanations. Since the explanations are occurring in the context of natural speech and natural scenarios, I understand, and more importantly remember her explanations without having to struggle to learn rules in isolation or as something separate from conversation.
6 сент. 2024 г.
Ученик Erika
Уроков: 20, язык: испанский
Prof Edme is a vibrant and extremely knowledgeable teacher. Her clases are very interesting. She easily adapts her lessons to include or expand on any question I have raised during the course of the class. I learn something new in every class - including many things I didn't realise I didn't know. Our conversations are in spanish but at a speed I can understand. Her classes are exactly what I was looking for - structured, yet with a flexibility built in which allows me to delve deeper into a topic I am curious about at the time I raise the subject. Highly recommend.
12 июля 2024 г.
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