Откуда ВьетнамГде живет: Kuala Lumpur, Малайзия (13:02 UTC+07:00)
Обо мне
Преподает на italki с 1 Oct 2021 г.
Интересующая темаЕдаПутешествияИскусствоСпортОкружающая среда и природа
Hello everyone, I am Chien from Vietnam. I currently live and work in KL, Malaysia. I had been living in Russian for almost 4 years, so I can speak English, Chinese, and a little bit Russian. I am a big fan of yoga and badminton. I also love reading and traveling a lot. Enjoy life and keep smiling.
大家好,我叫芊芊 我是越南人。我现在在吉隆坡马来西亚工作。我以前是在俄罗斯读书 所以除了英语,汉语,我还会说一点俄语。我喜欢做瑜伽,打羽毛球和去旅行看看世界的。
Mình là Chiến đến từ Việt Nam. Hiện tại mình đang sống và làm việc ở Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Mình đã sống ở Nga trong khoảng 4 năm nên ngoài tiếng Anh, tiếng Trung, mình còn có thể nói một chút tiếng Nga. Mình thích tập yoga, chơi cầu lông và đi du lịch.
Мой творческий контент
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Я как преподаватель
I lived abroad for more than 6 years, encountered totally new languages. I am also trying to improve my language skills, so I don't consider myself as a teacher. For me, languages like tools that help people all over the world communicate, interact to each other. That is why my lesson mostly focus on conversations.
With 6 years of self-teaching, I believe know what are exactly points that a leaners need get for being better.
我住在国外6年多了,有机会让自己学习新的语言。我现在也努力提高我的水平 所以我不觉得自己是一个老师 而是大家的新朋友 一起学习的。欢迎大家!
Мои уроки и стиль преподавания
Our lessons are gonna base on conversations. I'd like to help you be more confident and feel free to make mistakes, because they are an important part when you learn a new language.
I also have a "class note" file for each student to note down everything: mistakes, questions, etc.
我们结课主要是练习口语。我希望可以让你们感觉越来越自信 说话不怕有错误 应为学习新的语言 错误是一个很重要的一分。我们也会有一个文件写下所有的错误,问题
Мой учебный материал
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Обратная связь
Уроков: вьетнамский
Пробный урок
Завершено уроков: 20
USD 7.00+
Speaking and conversation with Chien (all levels)
A1 - C2Разговорная практикаЗавершено уроков: 136
USD 8.00+
Пакет со скидкой 5%
For all levels (reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar)
A1 - C2ОбщееЗавершено уроков: 44
USD 10.00+
Пакет со скидкой 6%
На основе вашего часового пояса (UTC+00:00)
Мой творческий контент
Тест (1)
Отзывов: 17
Уроков: 26, язык: вьетнамский
Выбор преподавателя
Chien is so patient!! She really puts the student first and lets them practice output as much as possible. She also keeps the conversation going when I can't. She also talks in a natural speed first and then slows it down the second time , which is very helpful. I'm extremely satisfied and will continue booking her lessons, because I'm learning so much.
26 янв. 2024 г.
Ross hartzell
Уроков: 10, язык: вьетнамский
Выбор преподавателя
chien has been very helpful. she is good at working with me and explaining things thoroughly. she is patient and pushes me just hard enough to get out of my comfort zone.
27 дек. 2021 г.
Mandie Pitre
Уроков: 3, язык: вьетнамский
Выбор преподавателя
Thank you so much for being part of my Language Challenge and teaching me for 4 hours straight (and for spending so much time with me on pronunciation of /ng/ 😂)! It was so nice to have a lesson with you and I can't wait to study again with you soon! Cảm ơn!
13 нояб. 2021 г.
1 урок, язык: вьетнамский
Good, I need to learn the north accent, I’d learnt the alphabet of Vietnamese in this lesson, thank you for your patience.
26 нояб. 2024 г.
Уроков: 4, язык: вьетнамский
26 нояб. 2024 г.
Уроков: 2, язык: вьетнамский
It was a fun and very useful class.
25 июня 2023 г.
Пробный урок
USD 7.00
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