Certificate of Completion - LearningOnline.xyz - 2022Arabic Language Proficiency Test
Certificate of Completion - Rasikhoon Center for Sharia Studies - 2021Course on the Book "Qatr Un-Nada wa Bal Us-Sada" held by Rasikhoon Center
Certificate of Completion in Hadith Studies - Ihsan Center for Prophetic Sunnah Studies - 2020This certificate recognizes the completion and passing of an examination on the book "Maʿrifat Anwāʿ ʿUlūm al-Ḥadīth" by Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ, as part of the "Reciters of Hadith" program (Distance Learning).
Certificate of Completion - Ihsan Center for Prophetic Sunnah Studies - 2019Course on the Book "Types of Hadith Sciences by Ibn al-Salah by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Lahm"
Certificate of Completion - Ihsan Center for Prophetic Sunnah Studies - 2019Course on the Book "Critical Methodology of Hadith Scholars and its Relationship to the Historical Critical Methodology by Dr. Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami"
Certificate of Completion - Ihsan Center for Prophetic Sunnah Studies - 2019Course on the Book "Nuzhat Un-Nazar" by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Lahm