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Найди на italki преподавателя по языку: итальянский

Найди своего онлайн-репетитора по языку итальянский, выбери одного из наших опытных репетиторов (итальянский) и получи максимально полезный опыт обучения.

Учись итальянский с учителем Micol Candiani.

Уроков: 1,185

Micol Candiani

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

Maestra di Italiano certificata con un grande sorriso e tanto amore per l'Italia :) I have been teaching for years, inspired by my mum's work (teaching is a family thing :) As a child I used to listen to my mum teaching and that's how I soon realized that was my cup of tea as well! :D I am very patient and smiley. I love the power of words and I speak very clearly, using a large variety of words. Moreover, I am very good at telling tales and get people involved into the magic and charm of the Italian language and culture :)

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USD 23.00/Ч.
Учись итальянский с учителем Paola Buscema.

Уроков: 3,777

Paola Buscema

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

LEARN ITALIAN WITH PAOLA: FUN, RELIABLE AND GUARANTEED. I have been improving my teaching method in the last years, and I constantly find out new ways of teaching and presenting my language, thanks to the students I have been in contact with: each of you is different, each of you has a different reason to learn Italian, and for business and for passion, each of you is a new book to discover and to fill with my knowledge.

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USD 15.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Giacomo Farfis.

Уроков: 2,526

Giacomo Farfis

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Репетитор сообщества
SPEAKS :итальянский

English-Spanish-speaking Italian tutor with an experience of more than 2000 lessons I tend to be demanding with my students, but laid-back at the same time. I want my students to make the best, pressuring the students so as they can achieve their goals. I am also very accommodating, adapting my way of teaching and the language of instruction (Italian, English or Spanish) according to the preferences of the student. I am quite honest. This means that I might sound a bit direct sometimes, but when I tell you "your Italian has really improved! You could even have a job interview now!", well, I really mean it. So you best believe it!

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USD 6.00/пробный
Доступно 14:45 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Sara Ita.

Уроков: 1,634

Sara Ita

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Репетитор сообщества
SPEAKS :итальянский

Parliamo in italiano! 😊 Sono una tutor madrelingua italiana e mi piacerebbe molto aiutarti a migliorare il tuo italiano parlando in modo informale e correggendo i tuoi errori qualora ne avessi bisogno! 😉 Soy una tutor madrelingua italiana y me encantaría ayudarte a aprender o mejorar tu italiano conversando de manera informal y corrigiendo tus errores si lo necesitas 😉

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Davi.

Уроков: 1,787


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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский
персидский (фарси)

LESS GRAMMAR MORE SPEAKING I've been teaching for years. I'm a polyglot who can speak up to 7 languages and I want to share my experience to my students and make them always enjoy the learning process and never get tired.

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USD 8.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Ilena B.

Уроков: 279

Ilena B

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Репетитор сообщества
SPEAKS :итальянский

Insegnate e traduttrice | Multilingual teacher and translator | Profesora y traductora multilingüe IT | Seguirò il tipo di apprendimento e gli argomenti più adatti a te e creerò delle lezioni personalizzate in base alle tue esigenze. La strada per imparare una lingua è in salita, ma con gli strumenti giusti sarà una passeggiata! EN | I will identify the type of learning and the topics most suitable for you and create customized lessons based on your needs. Learning a language is challenging, but with the right tools it will be a piece of cake! ES | Identificaré el tipo de aprendizaje y los temas más adecuados para ti y crearé lecciones personalizadas según tus necesidades. El camino para aprender un idioma es cuesta arriba, pero con las herramientas adecuadas ¡será pan comido!

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USD 6.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Federica.

Уроков: 348


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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский
китайский (путунхуа)

Sinologist, teacher & tutor I really like teaching, and I think my background helps me a lot in sharing my passion about foreign cultures. In my opinion, curiosity is the most important thing while studying a foreign language. Memorizing vocabulary and phonetics may be easy (sometimes) but trying to fit in someone else's world and trying to see it in the same way can be very challenging. I'd like to share as much as possible and ensure that each student can step out of their comfort zone and try to express themselves in another language.

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USD 6.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Paola Senatore.

Уроков: 3,857

Paola Senatore

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Деловое общение
Репетитор сообщества
SPEAKS :итальянский

CERTIFICATED DITALS TEACHER WITH MORE THAN FOUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE - CILS B1 EXAM PREPARATION Sono una persona molto paziente, solare e disponibile. Adoro parlare con persone di tutto il mondo e vedere i progressi dei miei studenti nello studio dell’italiano! Mi piace parlare di libri, musica, teatro, film, filosofia, sport, qualsiasi cosa! Amo molto il mio paese quindi possiamo parlare della cultura italiana, le splendide città, il cibo, la storia! I am a very patient, sunny and helpful person. I love talking to people from all over the world and seeing my students' progress in studying Italian! I like to talk about books, music, theater, movies, philosophy, sports, everything! I love my country very much so we can talk about Italian culture, beautiful cities, food, history!

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 06:00 Завтра
Учись итальянский с учителем Cristina.

Уроков: 2,434


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SPEAKS :итальянский

Mi definisco un'insegnante aperta all'apprendimento. Sono paziente e ciò che mi contraddistinge è la grande propensione ai rapporti interpersonali. Le nostre lezioni saranno divertenti e rappresenteranno per voi una vera full immersion nella lingua italiana.

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USD 8.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Angela.

Уроков: 178


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SPEAKS :итальянский

Mentre chiacchieriamo ti aiuto, con gentilezza e acume, a migliorare in italiano. 🌼 Parli già un po’ l’italiano e sei alla ricerca di un’insegnante che ti aiuti a parlare in modo più sciolto? Se sei unә studente di italiano a cui interessa fare pratica di conversazione, potrei essere l’insegnante che fa al caso tuo. Ti invito a guardare il mio video di presentazione per capire se ti trovi a tuo agio con il mio accento e il mio modo di parlare. E ricorda, l’apprendimento di una lingua non avviene da un giorno all’altro; richiede costanza, impegno e perseveranza. Ciò non toglie che imparare una lingua sia un viaggio meraviglioso. ⬩ Madrelingua italiana - Accento del nord-est ⬩ Lezioni di conversazione a partire dal livello A2

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USD 9.99/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Giulia Sponza.

Уроков: 1,651

Giulia Sponza

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SPEAKS :итальянский

Certified teacher with 4 years of teaching experience I teach Italian to classes on different levels at the Italian Cultural Institute of London, as well as I am a freelance. I am very passionate and enthusiastic when it comes to explaining a topic to someone, and I feel I can understand what someone's learning skills and abilities are. I am patient and understandable with my students and prefer to focus on their personal strengths and use them as means of learning.

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USD 10.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Doriana.

Уроков: 136


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SPEAKS :итальянский

Insegnante e formatrice, esperta di processi di apprendimento e metodo di studio. Avendo insegnato a studenti da poco arrivati in Italia (bambini, ragazzi e adulti) e avendo io stessa imparato delle lingue straniere, ho sperimentato che è parlando, leggendo, scrivendo e anche giocando che si apprende più velocemente. So, però, che per parlare correttamente anche la grammatica e la sintassi sono molto importanti e, visto che in italiano sono molto complesse e ci sono moltissime regole, mi piace affrontarle partendo dalla conversazione, da letture e da video. Imparare dev'essere divertente e appassionante... altrimenti dopo un po' si perde la motivazione.

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USD 6.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Damian Antosz.

Уроков: 667

Damian Antosz

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SPEAKS :итальянский

My interests in meditation, yoga, psychology, swimming, gym, and hiking contribute to a holistic teaching style. Recognizing the individuality of each student, I tailor lessons to their goals and strengths. The content is constructed based on the specific needs and requests of the student, ensuring a personalized and effective learning experience. Let's embark on this unique linguistic and cultural adventure together, where your goals shape the path of our lessons.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Ilaria Baldini.

Уроков: 222

Ilaria Baldini

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SPEAKS :итальянский

Swedish, English, French and Italian teacher with years of experience with students of all ages. As a teacher, my first and main goal is to help my students become active users of the language they're studying. That's why, with my students, I try to speak as much as possible in the language they are learning and encourage them to do the same. I'm very professional, but I also want my students to feel comfortable during the lessons, so that they can have a great learning experience.

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USD 15.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Cecilia A..

Уроков: 1,169

Cecilia A.

id verified
Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

Certified DITALS teacher. I'll help you speak Italian confidently. Il mio ruolo sarà quello di accompagnarti e guidarti aiutandoti a superare tutti i blocchi e le difficoltà che si incontrano quando si studia una nuova lingua. Imparerai in un ambiente sereno e rilassato, sarai libero di esprimerti e di fare errori. Cercherò di darti la giusta motivazione, di coinvolgerti, utilizzando una lingua autentica e naturale e presentandoti nozioni di cultura e civiltà.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Raffaella S..

Уроков: 1,951

Raffaella S.

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

CEDILS Teacher with a strong online experience for all levels Professional (I have got the certificate for teaching Italian to foreigners CEDILS by University of Venice Ca' Foscari), but also funny and engaging. My approach is "relaxing", I want to teach Italian in a "easy" way, depending on the level of the student. I use different materials (my own presentantions, pdf, audio, video, online exercises), and I put them at students' disposal. Especially for beginners, I think that grammar is fundamental but it mustn't be boring. I also like to talk about Italian history, culture and way of life. I speak a very good English, less good German and Spanish, but since the lessons will be mostly in Italian anyone is welcome.

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USD 15.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Celeste G..

Уроков: 3,538

Celeste G.

id verified
Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

Certified teacher passionate about language learning, art, and music! I started teaching on italki in 2016 as a community tutor and I liked it so much I decided to study and get a certification to be able to teach more: I now offer professional lessons as well as informal tutoring and conversation practice. As a student of languages myself, I know that speaking the target language since the start is the way to progress faster. I also know that a relaxed atmosphere is vital to learn effectively, because our brains work much better when not under pressure... but don't panick! If you really don't feel like speaking Italian right away, it's not a big deal: we can communicate in English or French and I can also help you if you speak Norwegian or Swedish.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Vanessa.

Уроков: 1,362


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Репетитор сообщества
SPEAKS :итальянский

**En/It/Fr/Sp, translator, TEFL teacher, Business English teacher, last-minute classes** ***FOR ENGLISH ONLY: as a certified TEFL teacher, I can issue ENGLISH CERTIFICATES to my students indicating your level and the number of hours of study. Please text me beforehand if you need to get certified.*** I guess that because of my job, I'm quite detail-oriented, but because of my personal life, I'm quite flexible. So I think both of these characteristics are present in my teaching style. I always try to give solutions and to suggest strategies and tips. I usually stick to the objective and do my best to help you keep high motivation levels. Also, I give mistakes great importance. I guess they are part of the learning process and they're key to go to the next level.

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USD 8.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Paola Calace.

Уроков: 1,000

Paola Calace

id verified
Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

Archaeologist. I help enthusiasts of Italy learn italian with art and cultural heritage ❤️ My studies and the work experiences have allowed me to have a cross-disciplinary approach to knowledge and to increase my teaching skills, being able to create a deep connection between me and my students. In my activities I explore, build and apply the most innovative strategies and tools, from a global, fresh and dynamic perspective.

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USD 26.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Silvia.

Уроков: 2,955


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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

Insegnante di italiano certificata con più di 10 anni di esperienza. Ho una grande passione per il mio lavoro e questo fa sì che io sia sempre aggiornata e faccia grande ricerca sui materiali da usare a lezione, che sono sempre nuovi e stimolanti. I have a great passion for my work and this ensures that I am always up to date and do a lot of research on materials to use in class, which are always new and stimulating.

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USD 15.00/пробный
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Часто задаваемые вопросы

Если ты ищешь преподавателя-носителя языка, чтобы выучить итальянский, лучшим решением будет воспользоваться специализированным веб-сайтом для онлайн-обучения, например italki.com. На italki ты можешь выбрать из более чем 1000 онлайн-преподавателей и репетиторов итальянского языка!
Но как выбрать лучшего репетитора по итальянскому? Есть несколько факторов, которые каждый ученик должен учитывать, чтобы найти лучшего для себя онлайн-репетитора на italki. Начни с изучения опыта учителя. Широко распространено мнение, что опытные преподаватели лучше могут помочь ученикам быстро повысить свой языковой уровень. Ознакомься с рекомендациями и отзывами бывших студентов. На italki можно посмотреть оценки учеников и отзывы на личной странице каждого преподавателя. Затем свяжись с выбранным онлайн-репетитором и убедись в том, что он доступен. Онлайн-уроки легко забронировать, но твой преподаватель не всегда может быть доступен в нужное тебе время. Наконец, прежде чем выбрать пакет уроков, попроси пройти пробный урок. Пробный урок поможет тебе лучше узнать своего онлайн-репетитора и его методы обучения. Ты увидишь, насколько хорошо вы ладите и подходят ли тебе его методы.

Тебе не обязательно нужен носитель итальянского языка, чтобы выучить язык. Учителя, не являющиеся носителями языка, могут преподавать также хорошо, как и носители языка. Помимо необходимых языковых знаний, преподавание требует большой подготовки, навыков работы с людьми и мотивации. На italki ты найдешь много опытных преподавателей итальянского с отличным рейтингом, и они не обязательно итальянцы. Для некоторых из наших учителей с самым высоким рейтингом итальянский язык является даже вторым или третьим языком! Одна из основных причин, по которой среди не-носителей языка есть отличные преподаватели, это их личный опыт изучения языка. Ведь однажды они оказались в той же ситуации, что и их ученики: лицом к лицу с преподавателем.
Однако также верно и то, что обучение с носителем итальянского языка, безусловно, позволит тебе улучшить свое произношение, получить более глубокие знания языка и познакомиться с итальянской культурой.

The Internet is the best place to find an private Italian tutor who gives you Italian tuition online. Most language learning websites sell complete online language courses, but some are offering one-on-one private lessons or free language exchange between students. italki is a great place to find hundreds of private Italian tutors. We have more than 1,000 Italian teachers and online tutors. Our platform allows you to book 1-on-1 lessons at affordable prices and take private Italian lessons at a time and place convenient for you.
While enrolling in an online language course is cheaper, individual lessons with a private tutor will help you to learn faster. Instead of spending 20+ hours repeating after an audio recording and doing redundant exercises, you can achieve the same level in just a few lessons with a private Italian tutor. That's why working with a private tutor is more practical and cost-effective.
To make a more informed choice and find the best Italian tutor, don't hesitate to research their background and ask about their experience. Just keep in mind your language learning goals and your reasons to learn Italian. If you have a clear idea of the language points that you need to improve or you lack experience with, ask your private Italian tutor to help you with those specific points and to prepare a language plan based on your requirements.
Of course, when you're looking for a private Italian tutor, you should consider their teaching experience and fees. Private lessons' pricing varies a lot depending on the tutor's background and on the lesson types. General and conversational Italian lessons are usually cheaper than business and exam preparation lessons. Also, native Italian teachers tend to charge more than non-native teachers. Choosing between a native or a non-native teacher can affect your pronunciation, but improve your grammar and learning. The quality of the study materials the teacher will use is also important as it will directly affect your learning process. And of course, their teaching experience should also be an important criterion when you look for an Italian tutor and you make your decision. Experienced teachers are on average more effective in raising student achievement than less experienced teachers.

Один из самых быстрых способов выучить итальянский - с репетитором или преподавателем. В идеале твой учитель будет говорить с тобой только по-итальянски, а не по-английски и не твоем родном языке. Сначала тебе будет сложно разобраться с тем, что говорит тебе твой преподаватель, и это может вызывать напряжение. Но уже после нескольких уроков ты выучишь новые слова и значительно улучшишь свое произношение.
Обучение с профессиональным преподавателем позволит тебе достичь своих целей быстрее, по сравнению с традиционными уроками итальянского языка. Твой преподаватель итальянского выберет такой подход и темп, которые соответствуют твоему уровню и режиму обучения. Это повысит твою мотивацию и поможет обрести уверенность в себе. Твой учитель прямо ответит на все вопросы и развеет твои сомнения по поводу грамматики, произношения или правописания. С профессиональным преподавателем ты начнешь говорить быстрее, потому что у тебя появится языковой партнер, с которым можно общаться. Кроме этого, с репетитором или преподавателем итальянского языка ты будешь учиться в своем темпе, в отличие от обучения на традиционных курсах, где твой прогресс зависит от уровня языка других учеников, с которыми ты учишься.
На italki.com ты найдешь преподавателей с различной квалификацией и профилем, и сможешь выбрать того, кто лучше всего соответствует твоим ожиданиям. И помни, хороший учитель итальянского - не всегда носитель языка.

Ставка онлайн-преподавателя итальянского языка на italki варьируется в зависимости от нескольких факторов, таких как опыт преподавателя, его текущее место жительства, его родной язык продолжительность урока и многое другое.
Например, цена 60-минутного урока у профессионального преподавателя итальянского составляет от $17 до $19! При этом 45-минутный урок у репетитора итальянского обойдется в сумму от $12 до $14. Средняя стоимость 60-минутного урока итальянского языка на italki составляет всего $15!