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Учить испанский онлайн из дома с носителями языка — легко! Наши квалифицированные учителя испанского помогут тебе выучить язык в любое время.

Учись испанский с учителем Angellí Beltrán.

Уроков: 1,021

Angellí Beltrán

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Aprende a tu ritmo ✨ My goal is that you can expand and complement your knowledge. With me you can talk about random topics to practice your Spanish or I can prepare a personalized class if you need to go deeper into a subject. Mi objetivo es que puedas ampliar y complementar tus conocimientos. Conmigo podrás hablar de temas aleatorios para practicar tu español o puedo preparar una clase personalizada si necesitas profundizar en un tema.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 21:15 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Joselyn Rivera.

Уроков: 711

Joselyn Rivera

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

I teach Spanish and English. I always try to do my best, and do it with a smile because I like to teach and, I enjoy helping people. I always try to teach in a understandable way that's always an important point. I try to make it funny. Otherwise, people won't pay attention and won't learn anything. I used to learn everything with games and funny stuffs; that worked for me, but maybe not for you, everybody has their own way to learn. I like to help people to find their own way of learning. In the biginning it's not easy, but when you find it, you will learn anything as fast as you want.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 11:30 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Maria.

Уроков: 2,264


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Tutora especializada en comunicación, sociedad y cultura I am an ELE teacher with three years of experience and certification in pedagogy. My friendly approach is grounded in creativity, patience, and cultural connection. I employ dynamic methods, incorporating music, film, technology, and literature while fostering a stress-free environment. As a passionate language enthusiast, I have a profound understanding of the learning process, and my primary goal is to guide my students toward achieving their language goals while ensuring they enjoy every step of the way.

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USD 8.00/пробный
Доступно 14:00 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Verónica.

Уроков: 241


Профессиональный преподавательid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Doy clases desde nivel principiante hasta avanzado. Tengo experiencia dando clases a niños adolescentes y adultos. Las clases para niños la realizo con muchos juegos, canciones, videos y actividades divertidas para que los niños disfruten aprender español.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 09:45 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Manuel Román.

Manuel Román

Профессиональный преподавательid verified
Подготовка к тестам
SPEAKS :испанский

Spanish Teacher With Over 4 Years Experience On Nov. 2022, I decided to start teaching the language, now I have more than 2000 lessons given online. I have more than 2 years of experience teaching this language, and one of the best things I love about teaching a new language, it's to learn so much about other cultures. It's a pleasure for me to help you learn a new language or practice with what you've already learned about the language. I believe understanding a new language and culture can be life-changing, in an exciting and meaningful way, but I'm here to make you feel confident and happy during that process. My lessons will focus on your needs, no matter if you have problems with pronunciation, vocabulary, or grammar.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 11:00 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Rafael Silva.

Rafael Silva

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Profesor de español general. Soy paciente y comprometido con mis estudiantes. Me gusta enseñar el maravilloso idioma del español, disfruto de hacerlo y me llena de mucha satisfacción ver como mis estudiantes logran sus objetivos. Soy un profesor muy dedicado y responsable con mis alumnos. Me esfuerzo por enseñar de la forma más sencilla y práctica. Tengo experiencia enseñando el español como idioma extranjero.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 12:00 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Eve  Rodriguez.

Уроков: 40

Eve Rodriguez

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Hablemos español de una manera facil,divertida y sencilla.. I was a tutor in my community where l learned to be a patient, and understanding teacher. I can address each student at their level,and make them feel safe and confident in each step of learning. Fuí tutora en mí comunidad donde aprendí hacer paciente,enseñar con amor,comprender,ayudar a cada estudiante en su nivel y que se sienta seguro y confiado de cada paso para aprender.

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USD 35.00/пробный
Доступно 23:45 Сегодня
Учись испанский с учителем Giovanni Pitta.

Уроков: 60

Giovanni Pitta

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Tutor de Español para extranjeros en Paraguay I have been a Spanish tutor since 2019. I helped many foreigners to speak Spanish here in my country, and I taught so much about my culture and Latin-American culture. I am open to new cultures and perspectives, and I focus on what the student needs to get confident in the Spanish language. As a teacher, I respect the netiquette rules, and my goal is to improve your confidence in a language studying. Don't worry about mistakes, and the first step is confidence. I'll like to take my time between lessons to prepare the materials and exercises for each student. So I want to be a good tutor for you and inspire you to become a good Spanish student.

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USD 6.00/пробный
Учись испанский с учителем Adriana.

Уроков: 1,431


Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Soy una persona paciente , amigable que le gusta trabajar con la gente y enseñar. Me gusta leer, el basketball y bailar . Deseo ayudar a muchas personas a que conozcan nuestra maravillosa cultura latina aprendiendo español.

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USD 9.00/пробный
Доступно 10:30 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Yaritza Sánchez.

Уроков: 1,571

Yaritza Sánchez

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Tutora de la comunidad de Italki Tengo algunos meses de experiencia en Italki, y mi proceso en esta plataforma ha sido significativo, el poder conocer personas, culturas, pensamientos y descubrir que cada persona es única, me permite adaptarme a sus estilos de aprendizaje y juntos descubrir como perfeccionar su idioma. Como tutora me considero dinámica, responsable, respetuosa, empática y sobre todo enamorada de lo que hago.

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USD 6.50/пробный
Доступно 12:30 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Yimmy Silva.

Уроков: 853

Yimmy Silva

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

🔴I help you improve your Pronunciation and diction in Latin American Spanish Wouldn't it be great to have an online Spanish tutor who helps you step by step and at your own pace to communicate fluently in Spanish? What if you had a teacher with proven experience in teaching Spanish who could accompany you, who could guide you, on this path, on this journey towards Hispanic culture? ¿No seria genial tener un tutor de Español en línea que te ayude a paso paso y a tu propio ritmo a comunicarte en español de manera fluida? ¿Que tal si tuvieras a un maestro con experiencia comprobada en la enseñanza del Español que te pueda acompañar, que te pueda guiar, en este camino, en este viaje hacia la cultura hispana?

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USD 10.00/пробный
Доступно 15:00 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Montserrat Pulido.

Уроков: 1

Montserrat Pulido

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Master Spanish with a Mexican tutor: lessons for everyone I'm a native Mexican tutor with over five years of experience teaching Spanish to foreign students of all ages and levels, ranging from beginners to advanced. During this time, I have completed various courses and certificates that attest to my ability to teach the language effectively.

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USD 10.00/пробный
Доступно 14:15 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Gabrielys L..

Уроков: 247

Gabrielys L.

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Interactive and personalized Spanish classes | Spanish teacher with over 3 years experience. As a teacher, I have helped many people achieve their goals: become more fluent, pass an important exam, carry on a conversation in Spanish, lose the fear of speaking Spanish, and much more. You can be the next one to accomplish your goals, if you give me a chance to be your teacher and guide you on your Spanish learning path! I know that Spanish can be complicated at times, but with patience, perseverance and dedication you can master it. Remember, practice makes perfect!

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 14:00 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Emily Sanchez.

Уроков: 2,709

Emily Sanchez

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Community tutor with +4 years of experience and medical Spanish experience. Mi meta principal es que mejores con tu español conversacional. Dependiendo de tu nivel, puedo enseñarte lo básico o si ya eres avanzado podemos concentrarnos en la lectura, pronunciación y gramática. Pienso que la práctica hace al maestro, y con el español, este dicho no es la excepción.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 19:00 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем pablo ciges.

Уроков: 1,323

pablo ciges

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Teacher of Spanish conversation specialising in fluency practice (levels B1-C2) I am an online teacher who specialises in building confidence in conversational Spanish. I have experience of teaching adults and young adults. I have also worked with professionals who need business Spanish. I have a background in learning languages

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 16:00 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Miguel.

Уроков: 1,124


Профессиональный преподавательid verified
Деловое общение
SPEAKS :испанский

Easy Spanish for beginners - Spanish for Travel I hold certifications in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from both the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and Instituto Cervantes. With over 3 years of experience in online teaching, I have accumulated hundreds of hours guiding students in learning Spanish. It has been a rewarding journey, and I continue to be passionate about helping others develop their language skills.

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USD 7.00/пробный
Доступно 20:00 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Andres.

Уроков: 3,993


Профессиональный преподавательid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Certified Spanish Teacher with 5 years of experience on Italki I enjoy reflecting upon language, and I encourage my students to do so, not only to learn Spanish, but also to discover things about their own native language. As a teacher, I consider myself creative and practical, I can come up with activities and exercises on the spot to make my lessons more dynamic and fun, and I try to keep things simple and clear when a student is having a hard time with a topic that is difficult to understand. I know some topics can be harder than others, and not all students learn at the same pace, which is why I'm also very patient and respectful of my students' learning needs.

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USD 9.00/пробный
Доступно 16:45 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Jarenny Zárate.

Уроков: 3,317

Jarenny Zárate

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

Bilingual tutor here to help you become fluent. (Adults only) Como tutora, quiero que tengas confianza para poder preguntar cualquier duda. Soy muy paciente, mi personalidad es amigable, empática y relajada. Por lo tanto, me gusta que las clases sean interesantes y espontáneas. As a tutor, I want you to have the confidence to be able to ask any questions. I am very patient. My personality is friendly, empathetic and relaxed. I like the classes to be interesting and spontaneous.

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USD 7.00/пробный
Учись испанский с учителем 🎓 Jhon Hernandez 🦉.

Уроков: 5,682

🎓 Jhon Hernandez 🦉

Репетитор сообществаid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

4 Years in Bilingual Education, Tourism & Tutoring; able to teach A1.1 to C1.3 in Spanish & English. English: I learned a powerful Spanish maxim: "Discipline, cleanliness, and punctuality are the keys to victory." This highlights the importance of discipline, cleanliness, and punctuality for success. I teach with this disciplined approach, essential for mastering languages. Polish: Nauczyłem się potężnej hiszpańskiej maksymy: „Dyscyplina, czystość i punktualność są kluczami do zwycięstwa”. Podkreśla ona znaczenie dyscypliny, czystości i punktualności dla sukcesu. Uczę z tym zdyscyplinowanym podejściem, niezbędnym do opanowania języków. French: J'ai appris une maxime espagnole puissante : « La discipline, la propreté et la ponctualité sont les clés de la victoire. » Utiles pour apprendre!

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USD 20.00/пробный
Доступно 03:45 Завтра
Учись испанский с учителем Nycole Barrera.

Уроков: 3,214

Nycole Barrera

Профессиональный преподавательid verified
SPEAKS :испанский

I can relate to my students because I remember what it was like to also be a student when I took French and English. Therefore, my experiences in learning have allowed me to address my own native language as an external phenomenon which assists me in understanding my student's unique struggle with specific topics. I love inviting my students into the new world of Spanish realities, because it will enable them not only to speak Spanish but to also understand it in a cultural, social and human context.

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USD 7.00/пробный
Доступно 13:00 Завтра
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