168 Portuguese lessons
Teacher’s pick
I’ve run out of ways to praise Talita’s teaching and personal skills. She’s just an angel on Italki. After four years studying with her, I still learn many new concepts during each class, and that’s incredible. She’s supportive, extremely well-prepared, and always ready with a smile to make my day better. This website has become a way to reduce my stress because I enjoy learning new languages at the same time I’m able to share my views and opinions. Talita always knows how to treat me, and she’s flexible depending on my mood. You can find many teachers who know a lot of grammar points, that’s for sure; but you won’t find another Portuguese teacher who is able to make you learn like she does. My Portuguese classes have become just part of my life, and I’m always waiting for the next one. Thank you for being my tutor and make me enjoy your culture as I do know! For many more years to come! Cheers!
Oct 29, 2020