Take online Catalan classes with expert teachers
italki offers personalized, online lessons tailored to your needs. From conversation practice to grammar and pronunciation, you'll receive guidance from experienced native-speaking tutors.

131 Lessons
Mireia Dorca
Catalan and Spanish teacher Com a professora d’idiomes, em veig com una persona apassionada per la comunicació i l’aprenentatge. La meva experiència en el món del lleure infantil, juvenil i adult m’ha proporcionat una base sòlida per connectar amb els alumnes i crear un ambient positiu a l’aula. As a language teacher, we see a person passionate about communication and learning. The experience in the world of children's, youth and adult language has provided a solid foundation to connect both students and create a positive classroom environment.

47 Lessons
Como yo misma fui alumna cuando estudiaba inglés, conozco el proceso y sé que a veces el aprendizaje puede ser frustrante y tedioso. Así que haré todo lo posible para que nuestras clases no sean así y terminemos cada clase con ganas de la siguiente.

176 Lessons
Catalan Polyglot & Teacher in Catalonia's Public Educational System On the language side, I have learned English, French, Italian & Arabic and this has opened lots of doors for me and allowed me to evolve as a person; it is because of this that I make a huge effort so that other people can access the same experience through a fun and engaging methodology that develops creativity, reasoning, and critical thinking always through the use of both cultural products and relevant social problems.

12.5k Lessons
Cristina Domènech
Certified Polyglot Teacher with 16+ Years Experience - Learn 10 Languages with a Passionate Expert! I'm an open-minded, certified and enthusiastic teacher with over 12 years of teaching experience. With a friendly approach, I focus on students' goals, tailoring classes to their needs. I am committed to my students' success, ensuring each lesson is engaging and effective. Over the past 7 years, I’ve completed more than 10,000 lessons on italki, working with students of all ages and needs worldwide. Whether it's exam preparation, business language skills, relocation, or learning for pleasure, my adaptable and supportive teaching style helps students achieve their language learning goals. All in all I'm extremely passionate about my work and that's why I'm always trying to improve my skills.

923 Lessons
Certified tutor native from Barcelona / Teaching ALL levels+ official exams / +5y experience I have been freelancing as a language teacher, both online and in person, for 5 years now. I started adding experience in other online platforms around 4 years ago, and I love it. I have worked with students from different countries and age. I have dedicated (and still dedicate) a lot of time preparing lessons tailored for each student's goals and needs. Your goals are my goals as well, and I enjoy a lot seeing my students improve! I am always open to any suggestions for our classes.

143 Lessons
Marcel Sendra Bres
Profesor certificado de catalán nativo. Aprendamos interactivamente 😉 Me caracterizo por ser: nativo, paciente, creativo e amante de las culturas y los viajes. Nativo: conmigo podrás tener una experiencia inmersiva no solo en la lengua sino en toda la cultura catalana. Combinaremos aspectos de lengua con aspectos de cultura y situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Paciente: esto me permite adaptar las clases a tu nivel y ritmo; tanto si eres principiante como experto, juntos podemos crear el plan de estudios que mejor se adapte a ti y tus necesidades. Creativo: tengo varios tipos de recursos y materiales para que tu aprendizaje sea divertido y significado. Amante de las culturas: podemos intercambiar recomendaciones de lugares que visitar en Catalunya.

268 Lessons
Profesora nativa de CATALÁN y ESPAÑOL Considero que soy una profesora muy organizada, me gusta planificar las clases con tiempo y es por eso que personalizo materiales a tu nivel y adapto mis clases para cumplir tus necesidades. Tengo mucha experiencia y mucho material por lo que voy a poder saber qué es lo que necesitas y cómo cumplir tus objetivos.

1,166 Lessons
I have been teaching Spanish and Catalan as a tutor for spanish student, but also I have been tutoring foreigners to help them preparing for DELE exams. Currently I'm studing to get my spanish language teacher dregree. Como profesor, he estado haciendo clases de tutoría tanto de Español como Catalán a nativos, pero también he hecho tutorías con extranjeros para ayudarlos con el examen DELE. Actualmente, estoy estudiando para conseguir el título de profesor de ELE.

3 Lessons
"Aprèn català de manera divertida i pràctica amb una professora apassionada per la llengua i la cult En l'actualitat, imparteixo classes a diferents centres escolars a més a més de forma particular tant a infants com a adults. També soc monitora de dansa en centres escolars.

137 Lessons
Catalan teacher with over 10 years of experience Although I have studied a diversity of fields including History and Art, I specialized in Intercultural Education and I have always been teaching languages first as an extra job and then finally full-time.

4,933 Lessons
Jesús Asvalia
Polyglot - Certified ELE teacher & translator - 10+ years of experience in teaching languages I've been teaching Japanese since 2012, and I became a certified teacher on 2018! Currently I'm a certified teacher in Spanish, and I have a lot of experience in teaching Catalan and English as well!

1 Lessons
Marta Bonet
I have always been interested in teaching languages. I started teaching private Japanese lessons when I was studing my Bachelor's degree in East Asian Studies. This is why I did a Master's degree in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, with a specialization in language teaching. After that I got a Spanish as a Foreign Language Teacher certificate. Since then I have been teaching Catalan, Spanish, English and Japanese to adults and children. Because of my love for my language, I am currently studying a second Bachelor's degree in Catalan Philology. バルセロナ自立大学で東アジアの研究を勉強して、京都の龍谷大学に留学しました。 言語学の修士課程を卒業後スペイン語の講師コースを勉強しました。 カタルーニャ語、スペイン語、英語と日本語の講師として経験があります。 現在カタルーニャ語の文献学を勉強中です。

113 Lessons
Laura Piqué
Profesora de Catalán, Español o Inglés. Aprende activamente y de forma divertida! Tengo experiencia, especialmente con niños y niñas, pues llevo más de 15 años dando clases particulares de repaso. Además, he trabajado durante 3 años a tiempo completo como profesora de instituto, con adolescentes de entre12 y 14 años. Me gusta establecer conexión con el alumno, ya que así el proceso de aprendizaje es mucho más divertido y sobre todo efectivo.

472 Lessons
International student and traveller with 5+ years of experience teaching. ENG-I have experience teaching languages as I have been helping people with their english since 2019. I love teaching and I think I have a lot of pacience and I adapt my teaching methods to each person so they can enjoy as much as possible their learning!. ESP- Tengo experiencia enseñando idiomas. hasta ahora he dado clases de repaso de inglés, desde 2019 y me encanta poder compartir mis conocimientos con otras personas, me adapto mucho a mis alumnos por ello, creo que el aprendizaje se hace muy agradable y ameno. CAT- He donat classes de repàs d'anglés des de 2019. Ensenyar m'agrada molt i m'adapt molt fàcilment als meus alumnes, d'aquesta manera, l'aprenentatge és més productiu!

2,359 Lessons
I'm quite easy-going, and a lovely learner! I would love to discuss any hobbies you may have about Spain or more specifically, about Catalunya, especially if they are related to language-learning, cultural or art. Just let me know your preferences :)

23 Lessons
Pau Monzó Ferragut
Maestra de Catalán certificada en la Universitat de València con dos años de experiencia Actualmente, soy maestra de Catalán, graduada en junio de 2023 y con el C1 de Catalán. Me gusta mucha dar clases de catalán, ya que me encanta mi lengua en todas sus formas: léxica, morfológica y gramaticalmente considero que es única. Domino mucho el catalán ya que es mi lengua materna, y la utilizo diariamente en todos los ámbitos: familiar, social, profesional.

886 Lessons
Certified Spanish Teacher and Bachelor's Degree in Political Science. My teaching style can best be described as interactive, supportive, and flexible. I encourage my students to have a voice in the classroom, ask questions when they come up, and participate actively in all conversations regardless of their level of confidence.

5,860 Lessons
Make real progress, start speaking Spanish today! I enjoy teaching any level from absolute beginners to more advanced students. I am a patient and organized teacher. I will adapt my lessons to help you to achieve your goals. We will work together step by step to improve your Spanish or Catalan in a flexible and relaxing way.

22 Lessons
Álvaro Moya
I am a very dynamic teacher who has got experience in teaching on an intermediary and beginner level. I have got a Degree in Translation and Interpreting, so languages are my most beloved passion and being able to teach them to different people is just a gift I am very thankful for! You can expect a very sympathetic and patient teacher who always loves to go step-by-step and adapt to each one's specific knowledge. I consider this to be very important as it is key to making my students feel in the most comfortable way possible. And, if you don't mind, you'll expect a humorous person from time to time!

6,037 Lessons
Estevam Fortunato
Linguist and professional teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. I've been working as a language teacher for over 10 years and have taught several languages, including Portuguese, Galician, Asturian, Spanish, Valencian/Catalan, Occitan, French, Italian, Latin, Greek (both Ancient and Modern), and Nheengatu. Trabalho como professor de idiomas há mais de 10 anos e já ensinei diversas línguas, como português, galego, asturiano, espanhol, valenciano/catalão, occitano, francês, italiano, latim, grego (antigo e moderno) e nheengatu.