Why should we learn how to flirt in Serbian?
If you really like someone, I think it's really useful to learn some romantic words and phrases in the native language of that person. That way, you can impress them even more.
This might give you even more chances to make him or her fall in love with you. If you like someone who is Serbian, or from any part of what used to be Yugoslavia, you should try to learn them.
My purpose with this article: for my students to start to learn something polite and really nice. There is nothing better than love phrases, because I'm fed up with the fact that people always learn bad words.
Some Information About Serbs
People from Serbia are really nice and polite. We're always ready to help if anyone is in trouble. We are very cheerful and joyful people, which is why it's not difficult for us to make new friends. In fact, I'd say that while we are from Serbia, our hearts belong to the whole world.
If you start to talk to someone from Serbia, try to avoid using their full name, unless you have to. We use our full names with the people we don't know or when we want to mark that there's something really serious to talk about. Usually, this is when something bad has been done by someone and we'd like to let them know about it and that's why we use their full name.
Love Phrases in Serbian
Phrase in Serbian |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Ја те волим (Ja te volim) |
Ya te voleem |
I love you. |
Волим те (Volim te) |
Voleem te |
I love you. |
Да ли ћеш се удати за мене? (Da li ćeš se udati za mene?) |
Da li tschesh se udatee za mene |
Will you marry me? |
Ја не могу да живим без тебе (Ja ne mogu da živim bez tebe) |
Ya ne mogu da zheeveem bez tebe |
I can't live without you. |
Волим те свим својим срцем (Volim te svim svojim srcem) |
Voleem te sveem svojeem srcem |
I love you with all my heart. |
Волим те свом својом душом (Volim te svom svojom dušom) |
Voleem te svom svoyom dushom |
I love you with all my soul. |
Заљубљен сам у тебе (zaljubljen sam u tebe) |
Zalyublyen sam u tebe |
I'm in love with you (man to woman). |
Заљубљена сам у тебе (Zaljubljena sam u tebe) |
Zalyublyena sam u tebe |
I'm in love with you (woman to man). |
Ти си моја љубав” (душа,срце,...) Ti si moja ljubav” (duša, srce...) |
Tee see moya lyubav (dusha, srce, ...) |
You are my love (literally "soul" but more like "sweetheart"; can be said by man or woman). |
Недостајеш ми (Nedostaješ mi ) |
Nedostayesh mee |
I miss you. |
Моје срце куца само за тебe (moje srce kuca samo za tebe) |
Moye srce kuca samo za tebe |
My heart beats only for you (can be said by a man or woman). |
Волим те сваког дана све више и више (Volim te svakog dana sve više i više) |
Voleem te svakog dana sve veeshe ee veeshe |
I love you more and more every day. |
Потребан си ми (Potreban si mi ) |
Potreban see mee |
I need you (man to woman). |
Потребна си ми (Potrebna si mi) |
Potrebna see mee |
I need you (woman to man). |
Ти си онај кога сам тражила (Ti si onaj koga sam tražila) |
Tee see onay koga sam trazhila |
You are the one I was looking for (woman to man). |
Ти си она коју сам тражио (Ti si ona koju sam tražio) |
Tee see ona koyu sam trazhio |
You are the one I was looking for (man to woman). |
Загрли ме (Zagrli me) |
Zagrlee me |
Hug me. |
Пољуби ме (Poljubi me) |
Polyubee me |
Kiss me. |
Заљубио сам се у тебе на први поглед (Zaljubio sam se u tebe na prvi pogled) |
Zalyubeeo sam se u tebe na prvee pogled |
I fell in love with you at first sight (man to woman). |
Заљубила сам се у тебе на први поглед (Zaljubila sam se u tebe na prvi pogled) |
Zalyubila sam se u tebe na prvee pogled |
I fell in love with you at first sight (woman to man). |
Ја сам лопов и овде сам да украдем твоје срце (Ja sam lopov i ovde sam da ukradem tvoje srce) |
Ya sam lopov ee ovde sam da ukradem tvoye srce |
I'm a thief and I am here to steal your heart! |
Да ли си за плес? (Da li si za ples?) |
Da lee see za ples? |
Would you like to dance? |
Да ли си слободна вечерас? (da li si slobodna večeras?) |
Da lee see slobodna vecheras? |
Are you free tonight? |
Да ли си слободан вечерас? (da li si slobodan večeras?) |
Da lee see slobodan vecheras? |
Are you free tonight? |
Увек можеш да рачунаш на мене (Uvek možeš da računaš na mene) Волела бих да ниси хркао (Volela bih da nisi hrkao) |
Uvek mozhesh da rachunash na mene |
You can always count on me. |
Volela bih da neesee hrkao (voleo bih da nesee hrkala) |
I wish you didn't snore. |
Усрећујеш ме (Usrećuješ me) |
Usretchuyesh me |
You make me happy. |
Желим те (Želim te) |
Zhelim te |
I want you (if your feelings are very strong, then it can mean "I desire you"). |
Speaking Tips
How to say "I love you too" and "me too" in Serbian:
- Volim i ja tebe (I love you too).
- i ja tebe (me too).
- Literally this is "and I you," and it makes no sense).
I strongly recommend you to use the second one because it's shorter and much easier.
If you made a mistake, than you should say the following:
- Žao mi je (I am sorry).
- to je bila moja krivica (it was my fault).
- In this case, we usually say: Ja sam kriv (man) or Ja sam kriva (woman) because it is much easier.
Let's analyze these phrases
Ja te volim: This is good for foreign people, because you can note here the personal pronoun, object (you) and the verb to love (voleti), which equals volim te. It is more used because it is shorter and easier to say.
Da li ćeš se udati za mene is a phrase that you use if you really love a woman and you want her to be your wife. Other variants are:
- Da li hoćeš da se venčamo?
- Da li hoćeš da se uzmemo: This literally means to "take each other," but if we translate it correctly, it means "to get married.”
Тhe next three phrases are used if you have a long relationship with someone and you really love him/her:
- Ja ne mogu da živim bez tebe
- volim te svim svojim srcem
- volim te svom svojom dušom
If you are really in love with someone and it is the beginning of your romance, you can say: zaljubljen/a sam u tebe.
- If you say this with Ti si moj/a, it means that you want to describe that person. You tell them what they mean to you, so that person can be your love, your passion, your heart and soul.
Nedostaješ mi can be used with your friends or with the person you love
Moje srce kuca samo za tebe and volim te svakim danom sve više i više are used when you are with the person who you really love to show him/her how much he/she means to you. Do not say these ones unless you mean them.
Potreban/potrebna si mi is used if you really need someone. Usually it is used by couples, but you can also say it sometimes to your friends if you really need them for some reason.
Ti si onaj koga sam tražila / ti si ona koju sam tražio is used if you are really sure that he/she is your true love and you want to tell it to him/her.
If you want a hug, then you should use zagrli me and if you want a kiss, you should use poljubi me. Zagrli me can be used sometimes if you are with your friends, but poljubi me definitely not.
You use zaljubo/zaljubila sam se u tebe na prvi pogled if you are already in love and you want to tell someone that they were so irresistible when you saw them for the first time that that's why you fell in love with them.
Da li si za ples / piće is mostly used by men when they see some pretty woman and they want to flirt. Usually, it is used if they're in a disco or something like that.
Da li si slobodan/slobodna večeras/danas popodne? can be used for both genders, no matter if you want to go out with your friend or the person you like. However, it is more common to hear it in the case that someone likes you or you like someone.
Uvek možeš da računaš na mene or uvek možeš da se osloniš na mene can be used for both genders. You can use it if you talk to your friends or with the person you love. It means "you can count on me" so please don't say it if you're not ready to complete your word! Nobody likes liars.
Volela bih da nisi hrkao is very common; women say it if they really hate that someone snores. On the other hand, it is very rare to hear a man saying it to his darling.
Usrećuješ me can be used if you are really happy with your darling.
Želim te can be used only if you are with your darling to tell them how hot they are and how much want to make love to them.
Compliments in Serbian
When you like someone, you have to say it. Use these compliments to give your opinion about the physical aspects or personal qualities of that person who is so special to you.
Please, only tell them what you really think and don't use them so often! Otherwise, people might think you want a favor or that you want some money.
Compliment in Serbian |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Одузимаш ми дах (Oduzimaš mi dah) |
Oduzeemash mi dah |
You take my breath away. |
Издгледаш тако секси (Izgledaš tako seksi) |
Eezgledash tako seksee |
You look very sexy. |
Твоје очи ме фасцинирају (Tvoje oči me fasciniraju) |
Tvoyee ochee me fascinirayu |
I am fascinated by your eyes. |
Имаш сјајан стил (Imaš sjajan stil) |
Eemash syayan steel |
You have a great sense of style. |
Тако си леп (Tako si lep) |
Tako see lep |
You are so handsome! |
Тако си лепa (Tako si lepa) |
Tako see lepa |
You are so beautiful! |
Ти си посебан (Ti si poseban) |
Tee see poseban |
You are special (woman to man). |
Ти си посебна (Ti si posebna) |
Tee see posebna |
You are special (man to woman). |
Ти си најбољи (Ti si najbolji) |
Tee see naybolyee |
You are the best (woman to man). |
Ти си најбоља (Ti si najbolja) |
Tee see naybolya |
You are the best (man to woman). |
Имаш сјајну фигуру (imaš sjajnu figuru) |
Eemash syaynu figuru |
You have a great figure. |
Имаш лепе очи (Imaš lepe oči) |
Eemasah lepe ochi |
You have beautiful eyes! |
Имаш предиван осмех (Imaš predivan osmeh) |
Eemash predeevan osmeh |
You have a charming smile. |
Let's analyze each compliment
Oduzimaš mi dah can be used if he/she is so wonderful and really takes your breath away because they are just too beautiful or handsome for you.
Izgledaš tako seksi is usually said by men to women. However, sometimes you can hear a woman saying it to a man.
Tvoje oči me fasciniraju can be used for both genders. Say it if you really love your loved one’s eyes.
Tako si lep/a is very clear. Say this one if you really like them. You can say it to your close friends sometimes, but this is not so common.
Ti si poseban/posebna or Ti si najbolji/najbolja are used for very special friends or the person you love to tell him/her what you think about their character.
Imaš sjajnu figuru can be used for both genders. You can say it to your friend or your loved one when you want to tell them that they have a really great figure. It is always a very big compliment.
Imaš lepe oči and imaš predivan osmeh are also used for both genders. Use them if you really love his/her smile and/or eyes. You can say this to friends or to your darling. It is very big compliment too.
Romantic Nicknames in Serbian (for Women)
Use these words to give a tender Serbian nickname to the person you love. When you love someone, you’ll enjoy addressing that person with a special name. Here you have a list.
Word |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Вољена (Voljena) |
Volyena |
Darling |
Мачка, мачкице (Mačkа, mačkice) |
Machka, machkeece |
Cat, kitten |
Драга (Draga) |
Draga |
Dear |
Mila (Milа) |
meela |
Sweetheart |
Лепотица (Lepotica) |
lepoteeca |
Beautiful woman |
Малена (Malena) |
Malena |
Baby, little thing (Literal translation: little girl) |
Сунце (Sunce) |
Suce |
Sunshine |
Принцеза (Princeza) |
Preenceza |
Princess |
Лутка (lutka) |
Lutka |
Doll |
Краљица (kraljica) |
kralyeeca |
Queen |
Душа (duša) |
dusha |
Honey |
Срце (srce) |
srce |
Heart |
Срећа (sreća) |
sretcha |
Happiness |
луче (luče) |
luche |
Baby |
Љубав (ljubav) |
Lyubav |
Love |
Speaking Tips
Below are some specific nicknames (cat, beautiful woman, doll, queen, princess, baby and happiness) and how you can use them with a woman (all are very common):
- mačko moja, mačkice moja (my cat)
- lepotice moja (my beautiful woman)
- lutko moja (my doll)
- kraljice moja (my queen)
- princezo moja (my princess)
- srećo moja (my happiness)
- Can be used for both genders.
- luče moje (my baby)
- Can be used for both genders.
Romantic Nicknames (for men) in Serbian
Word |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Вољени (Voljena) |
Volyenee |
Darling |
Мачор |
Machor |
Cat |
Драги (Draga) |
Dragee |
Dear |
Milи (Mili) |
meelee |
Sweetheart |
Лепотан (Lepotan) |
lepotan |
Handsome guy |
Малени (Malena) |
Malena |
Baby, boy thing (Literal translation: little boy) |
Сунце (Sunce) |
Suce |
Sunshine |
Принц (Princeza) |
Preenc |
Prince |
Тигар (lutka) |
Teegar |
Tiger |
Краљ (kraljica) |
kraly |
King |
Душа |
dusha |
honey |
Срце |
srce |
heart |
срећа |
Sretcha |
happiness |
Куца (kuca) |
Kuca |
doggy |
луче (luče) |
luche |
Baby |
Љубав (ljubav) |
Lyubav |
Love |
Speaking Tips
Below are some specific nicknames (cat, handsome guy, tiger, king, prince, doggy, baby, love and happiness) and how you can use them with a man:
- mačoru moj (my cat)
- Used very rarely.
- kuco moja (my doggy)
- Very common.
- lepotane moj (my handsome man)
- Used very rarely for flirting; mothers can say to their sons to show affection and love.
- tigre moj (my tiger)
- For a woman, it would be tigrice moja
- Usually used when a couple has sex and they want to tell each other how good they are.
- kralju moj (my king)
- Used rarely.
- prinče moj (my prince)
- Used rarely.
- srećo moja (my happiness)
- Can be used for both genders.
- luče moje (my baby)
- Common, can be used for both genders.
- ljubavi moja (my love)
- Common, can be used for both genders.
Some Facts about Nicknames
Fact #1: If you and the other person are simply friends, just call him/her by his/her nickname, for example:
- Suzana (Suzi, Suza)
- Slobodan (Bosla, Slobo)
- Robert (Roby)
- Lijljana (Ljiljo, Ljiki)
Fact #2: If you start with draga/dragi, ljubavi, etc., then people are going to start to think that you want to ask them for a favor or some money. So avoid these if you’re not with your boyfriend/girlfriend (husband/wife).
Fact #3: There is a specific nickname that is mostly used by parents when talking their small children. However, you can also say it to the children with whom you have a really friendly and great relationship, so you can show your affection and love. The nickname is миш (miš), so when you want to call a child in this way, you are going to say: мишу (мој) (my mouse) or мишу мој мали (my small mouse).
For intermediate and advanced students, I have a great exercise. Listen to these songs below and try to figure out where they declare their love:
- Jelena Brocic - ja sam se zaljubila
- Ceca - zelim te
When you see the person you like, don't be afraid of using any of these nicknames or love declarations in Serbian, no matter if you make mistakes. If you use them, you're going to increase your chances to fall in love with the person you like even more, especially because you're going to say it in his/her native language.
Please, let me know what you think about my article and feel free to ask me if you have any further questions.
Good luck with your Serbian!
Answer Key
Jelena Brocic - ja sam se zaljubila
Ja sam, ja sam se zaljubila (I, I fell in love)
tebe, tebe sam zavolela (You, I started to love you)
Ti lomiš moje srce (You break my heart)
poljupcima vatrenim (With your passionate kisses)
ti lomiš moje srce (You break my heart)
milovanjem zanosnim (with your ecstatically cuddling)
Ja sam, ja sam se zaljubila (I, I fell in love)
pamet, pamet sam izgubila (Brain, I lost my brain)
Ja sam, ja sam se zaljubila (I, I fell in love)
sve sam, sve sam ti poklonila (Everything, I gifted you everything)
Ceca - zelim te
Želim te, tako te silno želim (I desire you, I desire you so much)
al' reči dve ne mogu reći sve (but two words cannot tell everything like)
kol'ko bi rekle usne (lips would have told it to you)
kad bi te ljubile (if they would have kissed you)
Refrain (2x)
Volim te, tako te ludo volim (I love you, I love you so much)
al' reči dve ne mogu reći sve (But two words cannot tell you everything)
kol'ko bi rekle ruke (like arms would have told you)
kad bi te grlile (if they would have hugged you)
Trebaš mi, tako mi jako trebaš (I need you, I need you so much)
al' reči dve ne mogu reći sve (But two words cannot tell you everything)
kol'ko bi reklo telo (like the body would have told you)
kad bi te volelo (if it would have loved you)
Refrain (2x)
Veruj mi, tebi ću dati sve (Trust me, I am going to give you everything)
dođi sto pre, srce mi umire (My heart is dying)
noći su moje hladne (My nights are cold)
dođi i uzmi me (Come and have sex with me (literally: take me)
Refrain (2x)
Image Sources
Hero Image by Paolo Gamba (CC BY 2.0)