真不错!zhēn bùcuò !That's really wonderful !
太好了! tài hǎo le !Excellent!
棒极了!bàng jí le !Great !
你真了不起。nǐ zhēn liǎobuqǐ. You're really terrific!
你的衣服真漂亮!nǐ de yīfu zhēn piàoliang! Your dress is so pretty !
你的男朋友真帅!nǐ de nán péngyou zhēn shuài !Your boyfriend is so handsome!
这个菜真好吃!zhège cài zhēn hǎochī What a delicious dish!
你唱得真好听!nǐ chàng de zhēn hǎotīng !You sing so well !
哪里哪里。nǎli nǎli. That's nothing/not at all.
您过奖了。nín guòjiǎng le. You're flattering me.
还差得远呢。hái chà de yuǎn ne 。It‘s not that great.
p.s:Chinese people are usually very modest. When being praised, they always say"哪里哪里" "过奖了" "还差得远呢“ instead of saying ”谢谢“directly.
真zhēn + adj. / Psych verbs
好hǎo + V.
beautiful mĕi 美
cool kù 酷
smart cōngmíng 聪明
lovely / cute kĕài 可爱
interesting yŏu yìsi 有意思
delicious hăochī 好吃
(sth. sounds) beautiful hăotīng 好听
(sth. looks) pretty hăokàn 好看
(sth. drinks) tasty hăohē 好喝
funny hăowánr 好玩儿