郑钦文获得网球女单金牌后的采访发言 (Advanced level)
郑钦文获得网球女单金牌后的采访发言 (Advanced level)
4 สิงหาคม 2024
This episode is about 【Zheng Qinwen's interview speech after winning the tennis women's singles gold medal】, you will learn how to say 【unparalleled,Honor,Inspire】 ect. The material helps you get used to different voice and accent. -------------------------------------------------- It is recommended that you study in the following ways: Step 1: Gist listening. Listen to get the main idea. (more times if necessary) Step 2: Read the text to find out words you didn't get, then look up the dictionary. Step 3: Listen and imitate as much as you can without looking at the text. Step 4: Write down what you hear if you want to practise writing. -------------------------------------------------- 郑钦文:有点得意,就是我很少有得意的心情,但是这次拿到奥运会冠军,虽然说不想承认,这不太符合中国人谦虚的气质,但是内心真的有点得意,也有点骄傲,也有点无与伦比的开心。因为我是一个不太喜欢把表情表现到脸上的人,但大家可以看到这次奥运会其实我真的很多的情绪都外露了,包括我在赢下科贝尔那一场,不知道为什么就哭了。(然后呢)也包括那么多场倒地的瞬间,都足以证明了我对奥运会的热爱。(我)觉得这个金牌对我来说意味着一切。 记者:你觉得奥运会的金牌会是你一生当中最重要的金牌吗? 郑钦文:我觉得肯定是的,因为这不是我个人的,这是我为国家的荣誉而战,甚至我打破了历史,成为中国网球第一个拿到单打金牌的人,这是我小时候一直的梦想。然后我知道这一直以来是我爸的梦想,(然后)他从小就激励着我,(然后)终于可以骄傲自豪地跟他说:“老爸我这次终于光宗耀祖了一回,你终于可以好好地炫耀了。希望以后我打不好的时候,不要给我那么大压力,因为这块金牌代表着一切。” (来源:抖音“中国之声”) -------------------------------------------------- 得意/dé yì/pleased with oneself 承认/chéng rèn/admit 谦虚/qiān xū/modesty 气质/qì zhì/temperament 无以伦比/wú yǐ lún bǐ/unparalleled 外露/wài lù/exposed 瞬间/shùn jiān/moment 足以证明/zú yǐ zhèng míng/Enough to prove 荣誉/róng yù/Honor 为···而战/wéi ··· ér zhàn/Fighting for 打破历史/dǎ pò lì shǐ/Breaking History 激励/jī lì/Inspire 光宗耀祖/guāng zōng yào zǔ/bring glory on one's ancestors 炫耀/xuàn yào/Showing off
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