How do you call it? 土豆,洋芋,or马铃薯 ?
How do you call it? 土豆,洋芋,or马铃薯 ?
28 ธันวาคม 2024
In this episode, I’ll share some interesting knowledge about the names of potato in Chinese! You'll not only know the meanings of these names but also learn some delicious new vocabulary: 土豆 (tǔdòu) 中文解释:一种常见的地下根茎类植物,广泛作为主食或配菜。 英文解释:Potato, a common tuber widely used as a staple or side dish. 洋芋 (yángyù) 中文解释:中国西北和两湖等地区对土豆的称呼,带有地域特色。 英文解释:A regional term for potato, used in places like Sichuan and Yunnan. 马铃薯 (mǎlíngshǔ) 中文解释:土豆的正式学名,通常在农业或科学文献中使用。 英文解释:The formal scientific name for potato, often used in agricultural or scientific contexts. 作物 (zuòwù) 中文解释:指经过栽培用于食用或其他经济目的的植物。 英文解释:Crop, a plant cultivated for food or other economic purposes. 五湖四海 (wǔhú sìhǎi) 中文解释:成语,形容全国各地或广泛的地域。 英文解释:An idiom meaning "all corners of the world," referring to wide regions or areas. 土豆烧牛肉 (tǔdòu shāo niúròu) 中文解释:一道用土豆和牛肉为主要食材的传统中式家常菜。 英文解释:A traditional Chinese home-style dish made with potatoes and beef. 酸辣土豆丝 (suānlà tǔdòu sī) 中文解释:一道经典的川菜,用土豆丝和酸辣调味料制作。 英文解释:A classic Sichuan dish made with julienned potatoes and a spicy-sour seasoning.
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Meixuan (měi xuān)ผู้สอนมืออาชีพ