07.赛车将是我的一生热爱。Rallying would be my whole life passion.
07.赛车将是我的一生热爱。Rallying would be my whole life passion.
4 กรกฎาคม 2022
电影《飞驰人生》片段 speaker: 沈腾 Shěn Téng 演员、导演、编剧。这个电影片段出自他主演的电影《飞驰人生》。 Shěn Téng: Chinese comedian, actor and director.This movie clip is from the movie Pegasus in which he starred. script: 二十多年前,我还是个少年。打开家里刚买的彩电,看到了555港京拉力赛。我惊呆了,原来车还能这样开,我立志,长大以后也要成为一个拉力车手。一九九九年,世界拉力锦标赛在中国举行,我瞒着家人坐火车去北京看比赛。当拉力赛车在我身边呼啸而过,我知道,这将是我的一生热爱。我将为此,一直奋斗。 后来我真的成为了一个拉力车手,戴上头盔,绑上安全带,听着领航员的路书,我宛如新生。那些只能在电视上看到的中国顶级拉力车手们,我终于能和他们在现实里交手。我和我的搭档,也变得越来越强。巴音布鲁克,那里有着四千米的海拔,有悬崖、峭壁、森林、雪山,赢下巴音布鲁克的人,就是赢下了中国赛车的最高荣誉。我连续赢了五届,那年我32岁。 rè ài 热爱 v.ardently love; have deep love for n. love /devotion /passion rè'ài gōngzuò 热爱工作 passionate about work rè'ài shēnghuó 热爱生活 Love Your Life translation: Over 20 years ago, I was still a teenager. I turned on the color TV my family bought and noticed the 555 Hong Kong-Beijing Rally. I was shocked to find out that you can drive a car like that. So I made up my mind to become a rally driver as well when I grow up. In 1999, The World Rally Championship was held in China. I took the train to Beijing to watch the championship without telling my family. When the rally cars whizzed past me, it became certain that this would be my passion, and I’d keep striving for it. Eventually, I did become a rally driver. I put on the helmet and fasten the seatbelt. Listening to the co-driver’s pace notes, I am like a newborn. Now I could finally compete with the best Chinese drivers that I have only seen on TV before. My co-driver and I were getting better and stronger as well. Bayanbulak is 4,000 km above sea level and encompasses dangerous cliffs, forests, and snowy mountains. The highest honor of Chinese racing is to win the Bayanbulak championship. I won five times in a row. That year I was 32.
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