古典智慧拾贝之道德经第三章 Tao Te Ching Chapter Three
古典智慧拾贝之道德经第三章 Tao Te Ching Chapter Three
20 กันยายน 2022
我们来看看道德经的第三章。 不上贤,使民不争;不贵难得之货,使民不为盗;不见可欲,使民不乱。是以圣人之治也,虚其心,实其腹,弱其志,强其骨,恒使民无知、无欲也。使夫知不敢、弗为而已,则无不治矣。 第三章的内容,对许多人来说都是有争议的。Some people may not understand this chapter, because we tend to think intellects are good. 然而,老子看到了有才德的人的问题。In my understanding of this chapter, it means intellects bring about ego, which is not align with Tao. 表面上突出的事物会带来争斗。老子追求的是顺其自然,无为而治。竞争和欲望可以导致战乱,When I said the sage weakens people’s ambition, you may disagree, because our time is the age of ambition and everyone want to become better. But this also makes people anxious and overload. Lao Tzu advocates letting go and non-doing, go with how things are. 当所有人都满足于自己的生活,天下就会太平,不会有争斗。 感谢收听,我们下次见~
Wisdom From the Past 古典智慧拾贝