清明节  Qingming Festival   Qīngmíng jié
清明节 Qingming Festival Qīngmíng jié
1 เมษายน 2022
清明节,又称踏青节、行清节、三月节、祭祖节等。清明节源自上古时代的祖先信仰与春祭礼俗,兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是自然节气点,也是传统节日。扫墓祭祖与踏青郊游是清明节的两大礼俗主题,这两大传统礼俗主题在中国自古传承,至今不辍。 清明节在公历4月5日前后。 清明节是传统的重大春祭节日,扫墓祭祀、缅怀祖先,是中华民族自古以来的优良传统。清明节融汇自然节气与人文风俗为一体,是天时地利人和的合一,充分体现了中华民族先祖们追求“天、地、人”的和谐合一,讲究顺应天时地宜、遵循自然规律的思想。 清明节与春节、端午节、中秋节并称为中国四大传统节日。除了中国,世界上还有一些国家和地区也过清明节,比如越南、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡等。 Qingming Festival, also known as outing Festival, Qingming festival, March festival, ancestor worship festival. Tomb-sweeping Day comes from the ancient beliefs of our ancestors and the customs of Spring Festival. It is both natural and cultural. It is not only a natural solar term point but also a traditional festival. Tomb sweeping and ancestor worship and outing are the two themes of the Qingming Festival. These two traditional themes have been passed down in China since ancient times. Tomb-sweeping Day falls around April 5 in the Gregorian calendar. Qingming Festival is a major traditional Spring Festival. It is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices to ancestors. Qingming Festival combines natural solar terms and cultural customs as a whole, is the unity of heaven, earth and man, fully embodies the Chinese ancestors to pursue the harmony of "heaven, earth and man", pay attention to conform to the idea of heaven and earth, follow the laws of nature. Qingming Festival, The Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are called the four traditional Festivals in China. Besides China, qingming Festival is also celebrated in some countries and regions in the world, such as Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore.
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