🇫🇷 1 minute in slow French. 1. J'ai annulé mon rendez-vous.
🇫🇷 1 minute in slow French. 1. J'ai annulé mon rendez-vous.
31 ม.ค. 2025 เวลา 8:00
✅ Practice your listening skills with the stories from my everyday life. ✅You'll find the whole transcription as well as translation into English and Russian in the special GoogleDoc I created for you https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WrRMa-XQjG9K0Du4irYNNljd-n5ceo2IutqgooWUyNE/edit?usp=sharing ❓ Et toi, c'est quoi la dernière chose que t'as annulée ? Here are some notes on grammar and vocabulary: *j’ai dû - passé composé du verbe devoir - I had to // мне пришлось *en extérieur - outside, outdoors // на свежем воздухе *depuis hier - since yesterday // со вчерашнего дня *je me demandais - imparfait du verbe se demander - I was wondering // я думала *y - there // там, туда *plein de choses - familier - lots of things // куча всего *le boulot - familier - job, work // работа *aprèm = après-midi *si j’étais allée - plus que parfait - if I had gone // если бы я пошла *je n’aurais pas eu - conditionnel passé - I wouldn’t have had time // у меня не было бы *du coup - familier - so // и поэтому *j’aurais dû organiser - conditionnel passé - I should have organized // я должна была бы планировать *on ne sait pas bien - you don't know how // ты не умеешь *c’est quoi - what is ? // какой 👍If the podcast was useful and taught you something. 🗨Contact me if you want to improve your speaking skills and practice your French.
En français avec Victoria