01. 老人的新鞋 Old man's new shoes
01. 老人的新鞋 Old man's new shoes
27 กรกฎาคม 2022
在高速行驶的火车上,有一位老人不小心把刚买的新鞋从窗口掉下去一只,周围的人都觉得很可惜。没想到老人把另一只鞋也从窗口扔了出去。他的行为让周围的人感到很吃惊。 这时候,老人笑着解释说:“剩下的那只鞋无论多么好,多么贵,多么适合我穿,可对我来说已经没有一点儿用处了。我把它扔了出去,就有人可能捡到一双鞋子,说不定他还可以穿呢? 这些词语您明白吗? 高速行驶gāosù xíngshǐ high speed driving 周围 zhōu wéi around 可惜 kě xi unfortunately; It's a pity...; It's too bad... 行为 xíng wéi behavior 吃惊 chī jīng be amazed 解释 jiě shì explain 无论 wú lùn whether 捡 jiǎn pick up 说不定 shuō bu dìng maybe,perhaps On the high-speed train, an old man accidentally dropped one of his newly bought shoes from the window, which made everyone around feel very sorry. Unexpectedly, the old man threw another shoe out of the window. His behavior surprised the people around him. At this time, the old man explained with a smile, "the remaining shoe, no matter how good, how expensive, and how suitable for me, is of no use to me. If I throw it out, someone may pick up a pair of shoes, maybe he can still wear it!"
HSK5 Vocab Based - Short Story Podcast