3 discourse markers to help you with your IELTS test
3 discourse markers to help you with your IELTS test
14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2024
In order to get the band score you need in the IELTS speaking test it’s important to develop specific skills. You will be aware that the speaking test is graded in four specific areas. Those areas are fluency, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. In this podcast we’re going to talk about fluency. It’s important to use a range of discourse markers when taking your speaking test, so your speaking is fluent. Discourse markers are sometimes referred to as connecting words, or connecting phrases. For example, when answering the examiner’s questions you might say something like to be honest, or, in my opinion. These are two common discourse markers. Another connecting phrase you might use is, That’s an interesting question. Let’s look at an example: Let’s pretend the examiner asks you whether you are good at art. You might answer. That’s a really good question. In my opinion, I am quite good at art. In fact, I really enjoy painting. To be honest, I think other people like my paintings too. Now you try. I’m going to ask you a question, and you have to reply using these three discourse markers: To be honest / In my opinion / That’s a good question. Are you ready for the question? Here it is: Are you ready for your IELTS test?
IELTS Speaking Practice