Do you know the names of all the Korean alphabet letters? For example, what’s the name of the letter, "ㅎ"? The answer is "히읗,” right? Some of you might have already known it, but some of you might not. Or in some cases, you knew what sound the letter made but weren’t sure about its name.
So, here is a solution to figuring out the names of the Korean letters. Start off by attaching the vowel, “ㅣ,” to a particular consonant (as in “히”). Next, add the syllable “으,” followed by the same consonant at the bottom (as in “읗”). That’s it! This is how you figure out the names of the Korean letters! It’s pretty simple, right? By applying this rule, you know the names of “ㅇ,” “ㅈ,” “ㅊ” are “이응,” “지읒,” and “치읓,” respectively. 😄
(Warning: “ㄱ,” “ㄷ,” “ㅅ” are the letters that don’t follow this rule! Their names are just “기역,” “디귿,” and “시옷,” respectively, for some reason.)