“When I was short of money, I asked my parents for help. When I was switching jobs and had no place to live, relatives let me stay. My friends gave me strong support emotionally. It's also lots of fun to hang out with them." Affiliation with Catholic church, joining church pilgrimages to far-flung places, learned much about the world in general migrants' social relations and affiliations as conversion spaces providing information, guidance and other fruitful functionings 1: What constraints and opportunities did the young migrant women encounter in the city? 2: How did they address the constraints and opportunities in order to live lives they had reason to value? ---the process of empowerment 3: What were the spaces where informal learning of empowering capabilities took place? ---conversion factors resources for rising to challenges, for enabling higher aspirations, for exercising agency in acculturating to urban life 「當我缺錢時,我向父母求助。當我換工作沒有地方住時,親戚讓我住下來。朋友們在情感上給了我強大的支持。和他們一起玩也有很多樂趣"。 加入天主教會,到很遠的地方朝聖,學到很多關於世界的常識 移民的社會關係和從屬關係是提供資訊、指導和其他有用功能的转型区 1: 年轻的移民女性在城市中遇到了什么限制和机会? 2: 为了过上她们认为有价值的生活,她们如何应对这些限制和机会?---赋权的过程 3: 非正式学习赋权能力的空间在哪里?---转化因素 应对挑战的资源,提升更高期望的资源,适应城市生活时行使自主权的资源 Economic disadvantage and deprivation Social exclusion and deprivation Vulnerabilities of their sex 經濟劣勢與剝奪 社會排斥和剝奪 其性別的脆弱性
2 ก.ย. 2024 เวลา 10:25