Various types of rice noodles in Yunnan province Rice noodles is a traditional cuisine in Yunnan province. Before I went to Yunnan, I had been confused about different names of rice noodles in Yunnan. Then, through the latest trip to Yunnan, I finally figured it out. Picture 1 shows two types of rice noodles: Ersi(饵丝)and Mixian(米线). They look similar but are made in different ways. Picture 2 shows multiple toppings, sauce, and condiments for rice noodles. Every morning l ordered a bowl of Ersi in the hotel restaurant, then the cook bleached a handful of Ersi in boiled water quickly, served it with plain soup to me. Thence I carried it to the side table with different toppings and added whatever I liked. Picture 3 and 4 show a famous rice noodle dish, cross-bridge rice noodles. Picture 5 is another kind of rice noodles called Migan(米干). It is flat not round, wider, flatsofter and smoother than round ones. Picture 6 shows fried rice flakes. I feel happy and lucky that I had all these kind of rice noodles on my latest trip to Yunnan.
14 ก.ค. 2021 เวลา 16:33
การแก้ไข · 4
Various types of rice noodles in Yunnan province Rice noodles are a traditional cuisine in Yunnan province. Before I went to Yunnan, I had been confused about the different names of rice noodles in Yunnan. Then, on my latest (using latest means you have been there before) trip to Yunnan, I finally figured it out. Picture 1 shows two types of rice noodles: Ersi(饵丝)and Mixian(米线). They look similar but are made in different ways. Picture 2 shows multiple toppings, sauces, and condiments for rice noodles. Every morning l ordered a bowl of Ersi in the hotel restaurant, then the cook blanched a handful of Ersi in boiled water quickly, and served them to me with plain soup. Then I carried the bowl to the side table with different toppings and added whatever I liked. Pictures 3 and 4 show a famous rice noodle dish, cross-bridge rice noodles. Picture 5 is another kind of rice noodles called Migan(米干). It is flat not round, wider, flatter, softer and smoother than round ones. Picture 6 shows fried rice flakes. I feel happy and lucky that I had all these kind of rice noodles on my latest trip to Yunnan.
You are the noodle expert! In the UK we could say you are the noodle queen! With something like noodles, which is plural, but also singular as a bowl of noodles, it is sometimes difficult to work our whether to use is or are etc.
14 กรกฎาคม 2021
Various types of rice noodles in Yunnan province Rice noodles are a traditional cuisine in Yunnan province. Before I went to Yunnan, I had been confused about different names of rice noodles in Yunnan. Then, through the latest trip to Yunnan, I finally figured it out. Picture 1 shows two types of rice noodles: Ersi (饵丝)and Mixian (米线). They look similar but are made in different ways. Picture 2 shows multiple toppings, sauce, and condiments for rice noodles. Every morning l ordered a bowl of Ersi in the hotel restaurant, the chef would bleach a handful of Ersi in boiled water quickly and then serve it to me with plain soup. Thence I carried it to the side table with different toppings and added whatever I liked. Picture 3 and 4 show a famous rice noodle dish, cross-bridge rice noodles. Picture 5 is another kind of rice noodle called Migan (米干). It is flat not round, wider, flatter, softer and smoother than round ones. Picture 6 shows fried rice flakes. I feel happy and lucky that I had all these kinds of rice noodles on my latest trip to Yunnan.
Not many people use "thence" nowadays, but I like the words hence, thence and whence - even if they were more common many years ago - so didn't change that part in your composition :) That food looks delicious by the way!
14 กรกฎาคม 2021