can we say I can learn you(instead of I can teach you)? Longman dictionary says learn is I,T if it is ' T(transitive)' why it says ''don't say that you learn someone something finally let me know through example why learn is transitive and intransitive
6 พ.ค. 2012 เวลา 13:43
คำตอบ · 11
I agree with the above. Your theory about transitive/intransitive verb is correct. However for a few verbs such as 'to learn' you cannot create a direct combination with a pronoun. I learn. = intransitive I learn english. = transitive, the object here being english
6 พฤษภาคม 2012
No, you can't. Never.
6 พฤษภาคม 2012
It's not a simple case of "transitive". You teach someone something, but you learn something. The only time you'll hear "learn (someone)" is when the speaker is uneducated and has confused the grammar: 'I'm gonna learn him good" ("I'm going to teach him a lesson", ie. take revenge on him).
6 พฤษภาคม 2012
So here is a good written link about the definitions of transitive and intransitive verbs: The definition and usage of transitive verbs in Persian are very similar to English. A transitive verb is a verb that requires one or more (direct) objects (as well as a direct subject) - Amin saw Sara. /Amin Sārā rā did/ (Sara is the direct object of “saw”) - I like nature. /Man tabi’at rā dust dāram/ (nature music is the direct object of “like”) In contrast, an Intransitive verb does not take an object. In other words, an intransitive verb has only one argument (the subject) - She laughs /u mixandad/ ---------------------------------- By the way, 1334800 is right, I have looked in this Longman Dictonary at the meaning of the word "learn", so one explanation is sounding really strangely. Please look it below: learn how/what/who etc ... In the first lesson we'll learn how to format a text file - compare 'teach', see know USAGE (p.801)
7 พฤษภาคม 2012
You can say only in this context, in other contexts it would be a big mistake, revealing you did not grasp the huge difference between teaching and learning. The teacher teaches, and the students try to learn, or 'the students learn'. Usually while teaching, the teacher also learns something new, if he has good care in preparing his lessons.
6 พฤษภาคม 2012