What's the difference between "irony" and "paradox"? What's the difference between "irony" and "paradox"? Thank you. :)
14 ต.ค. 2014 เวลา 8:07
คำตอบ · 3
There are different types of irony, and many different types of paradoxes. I'll try to be as simple as possible with this explanation. A 'paradox' is a statements that contradicts what we know to be true. My personal favorite is called 'the Archer's Paradox' and is explained like this: "An archer can never hit a target if he aims at it." It's a paradox because 'to aim at' means to line up your target. However, because of how arrows fly and how archers hold the bow, they cannot aim 'at' the target if they want to hit it. They have to aim at a different place to make the arrow hit their target. 'Irony' is when the truth is different from what we expect the words to mean. For some examples here, I will use my parents: My mother is a housepainter who constantly complains that her home needs to be painted. My father is a carpenter whose front door doesn't work properly and needs to be replaced. A classic example is a plumber who has a broken sink at home. Hope this helps!
14 ตุลาคม 2014
These terms are not so easy to understand.But usually a paradox is a contradiction.IT is something that is the opposite of what we might think "an apparently true statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which defies intuition." For example you might think that the harder you work, the quicker your work will be done,but paradoxically,the opposite is the case.You need to take a break and relax,and then your work will get done quicker. Irony is something used in literature "a literary or rhetorical device in which there is a gap or incongruity between what a speaker or a writer says, and what is generally understood". For example it is ironic if you take a car to get somewhere quicker and then you get stuck in traffic and end up arriving later than if you had taken the bus. These things are really hard to explain.When you see examples in texts you read,you can understand them better.
14 ตุลาคม 2014