For koreans,,,is that true ? 안녕하세요 :) I noticed recentlyin K-Drama that "ㅁ" sometimes is prounouced like "b".. is there any irregular rule ? For exemple : instead of saying "mi-an" (미안 ) I hear the sound "bi-an" (in the meaning of Sorry) or instead of saying "moe?" (뭐 ?) I hear the sound "boe". (in the meaning of what) Would you like to help me understand that ? Thank you in advance :)
28 ส.ค. 2015 เวลา 16:03
คำตอบ · 3
As a native speaker I was never confused about the ㅁ sound, but I have heard this same comment. So it seems to sound close to "b" sometimes. Given that "m" and "b" sounds are made with almost the same formation of the lips, I suppose it is understandable that they can sometimes sound similar. I doubt however that there is any special trick to help with the situation other than knowing a lot of words and phrases. Native speakers are not confused because they already know all the words and phrases so they can usually predict what might or might not be said in a given situation. Likewise, as you learn more words and phrases, I think this confusion will slowly go away as you get better at guessing what might be said.
28 สิงหาคม 2015
ภาษาอาหรับ, ภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาฝรั่งเศส, ภาษาเกาหลี, ภาษาเบอร์เบอร์ (ทามาไซต์)