please, check the construction and structure of questions 1. What did the author look out (on ?) from window of his house? 2. What was the weather in part of North of Ireland? 3. Did an old retired couple who owned the house live in two rooms or in three rooms? 4.Who did accompanied (?) by walking stick and a small dog? 5. Who never bothered them? 6.Age can be cruel, isn't it? 7. What's fact moved (touched) the author? 8. Did he can hear coughing or crying late into the night?
6 พ.ค. 2016 เวลา 17:07
คำตอบ · 4
I do not understand what you are going for with #4. Emily's correction doesn't make it better. She must have forgotten to take out a word. I am also not sure what you meant by 'walking stick.' Did you mean someone using cane? That would change how the sentence is constructed. Or the very small insect? I suppose a small insect could accompany a person along with a small dog. 4. Who was accompanied by a walking stick and a small dog?
6 พฤษภาคม 2016
1. What did the author look out at from window of his house? 2. What was the weather like in that part of Northern Ireland? 3. Did the old retired couple who owned the house live in two rooms or in three rooms? 4. Who did was accompanied by a walking stick and a small dog? 5. Who never bothered them? 6. Age can be cruel, can't it? 7. What moved/touched the author? 8. Did he/can he hear coughing or crying late into the night?
6 พฤษภาคม 2016