What's the difference between "anxious," "nervous" and "eager" ?
19 ส.ค. 2018 เวลา 18:01
คำตอบ · 8
Hey William, 1) ''Anxious'': it means ''worried and tense because of possible misfortune, danger, etc...'' / ''to be uneasy.'' * If you are 'anxious about' someone or something, you are 'worried about' them. (E.g: ''I was quite anxious about Mom'') * If you are 'anxious to do' something, you 'want very much to do' it. (E.g.: ''We are very anxious to find out what really happened'') * If you are 'anxious for' something, you 'want to have' it, or you 'want it to happen'. (E.g.: ''I am anxious for a promotion'') * If you are 'anxious that' something happen, or 'anxious that' something should happen, you 'want it to happen very much'. (E.g.: ''My parents were anxious that I go to college'') 2) ''Anxious'' and ''Nervous'': Do not confuse 'anxious' with 'nervous'. If you are 'nervous', you are 'rather frightened about something that you are going to do or experience'. E.g.: ''I began to get nervous about crossing roads.'' E.g.: ''Both actors were very nervous on the day of the performance.'' 3) ''Anxious'' and ''Eager'': Firstly, you should know that the word 'eager' means 'having or showing a keen interest (in something) or intense desire/impatient expectancy (for something)'. E.g.: ''He is always eager to win.'' E.g.: ''She was eager to find out the truth.'' *** NOTICE: The word 'anxious' has a long history of use as a synonym for 'eager', but some prefer that 'anxious' be used only to describe those who are 'worried' or 'uneasy', as in the sentence ''He's anxious about his upcoming surgery''. Although resistance to the use of 'anxious' to mean 'eager' is waning (it is permissible to use both in the same sense), writers should be aware that there are still those who frown upon using the word in situations where 'no anxiety' is present. So, here is a hint for you: Keep in mind that ''anxiety'' is more of a worry (than anything else) and that ''eagerness'' is more of an intense desire/avidity (for something). Hope that helps!!! :)
19 สิงหาคม 2018
"Anxious" and "nervous" are pretty much the same thing. They both are an alteration of the nervous system. But in my opinion, being "anxious" includes having more worry than being "nervous" does. As for "eager" it means to look forward to doing something or having something. For example: "Being eager (looking forward) to go on vacations", or "being eager (looking forward) to have a sports car." I hope this helps. :)
19 สิงหาคม 2018
"nervous" is always a negative feeling. It closely means "scared", but not as extreme. It's commonly used when talking about "stage fright". "The thought of giving his speech in front of thousands of people made him very nervous." "anxious" can mean the same as "nervous", but unlike "nervous", it can also mean "need to do something". But the feeling is usually negative, as in, "need to do something or else something bad will happen". "The thought of giving his speech in front of thousands of people made him very anxious." "He was anxious to complete his report before the deadline, or else he might lose his job." ("nervous" doesn't make sense here). "Eager" closely means the second meaning of "anxious", but the feeling is usually positive. Another way of describing it is "need to do something in order for something good to happen." "He was eager to complete his report before the deadline, or else he might lose his job." (unusual usage of "eager", but still makes sense.) "He was eager to get tickets to see his favorite band perform" In common usage, "eager" is followed by "to [verb]". "eager to go", "eager to do", "eager to eat", etc. (You can say "he was eager.", but it's not as common.) The same is true with "anxious" when it has a similar meaning to "eager".
19 สิงหาคม 2018
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