Kiera Lavinina
Urgent! Read the letter and answer the questions. To: Ms Jane Perry From: Ms Mary Brown Subject: Duties required during vacation job replacement. I have just been informed that you will be replacing me for the six weeks when I am away on my home leave. Therefore, at Mr Wendell's suggestion, I'm providing you with a general list of the duties you will be required to perform as my substitute: a) to log incoming correspondence b) to file correspondence c) to answer phone calls d) to receive visitors and give out information on our programme e) to schedule Mr Wendell's appointments f) to prepare the agenda for weekly contract reviews. My office mate Ms Charlotte King has agreed to assist you with any problems that may arise. If you have any questions, please don't hestitate to contact me before 1 December. I hope you will enjoy the job. Mary Brown The questions in comment.1) What kind of letter is it? A letter of.. a) refusal b) complaint c) invitation d) information 2) What does the word Therefore express? a) transition b) conclusion c) referring d) cause and effect 3) Who asked Ms Brown to write this letter? a) Ms Jane Perry b) Nobody c) Charlotte King d) Mr Wendell 4) What events should the substitute arrange? a) Parties b) Get-togethers c) Meetings d) Webinars 5) What can Ms Charlotte King do for the substitute? a) help her b) contact her c) call her d) Write a letter to her
14 ธ.ค. 2018 เวลา 19:49
คำตอบ · 6
I think that 3 is a very tricky question. It is clear that Mr Wendell suggested she write it. But then it is common for managers to 'suggest' things that are actually requests. Or, Ms Brown could have reported an actual request as a suggestion. very tricky...
15 ธันวาคม 2018
thanks all!
14 ธันวาคม 2018
I guess that you are wright. Concerning the question number 2 it "d" because we can remove that part "at Mr Wendell's suggestion" without affecting the meaning and it becomes clear that it's "cause and effect"
14 ธันวาคม 2018
I'm not sure in №2
14 ธันวาคม 2018
I think you are correct about all of them.
14 ธันวาคม 2018