我如何说 the four tones的中文? 我如何说 the four tones ( refering to the four tones of spoken chinese)的中文?请告诉我汉字,拼音 和 the tones to say it in!
22 มิ.ย. 2009 เวลา 19:18
คำตอบ · 13
上面说的一声、二声等是对的,但是在中文语文教学里面更专业的说法如下: The answers above are right, but there is more professional name of them like following: the first tone:一声——阴平(yin1 ping2) the second tone:二声——阳平(yang2 ping2) the third tone:三声——上声(shang3 sheng1)(note,the word "上" here not pronounce like "shang4" as common, here we pronounce like "shang3") the fourth tone:四声——去声(qu4 sheng1)
23 มิถุนายน 2009
我个人觉得,汉语中的这四个声调,是基础中的基础,想要把中文说的地道,这四个的准确发音非常重要(Very very important),然而值得庆幸的是,这是的声调是有规律的,想要学好这四个声调,必须得多做出声的练习,单纯用文字去描述清楚它,是不容易做到的,就算做到了,对学习者来说,帮助也不大。要去进行口语的交流,然后用心去体会,这样才能够提高。 也不知道你能否看懂,能否理解我的意思,希望能够对你的学习有所帮助
23 มิถุนายน 2009
it is called "四声" si4 sheng1. Among the four tones, the first tone is simply called 一声,second二声,third三声,fourth四声, that's all. Why bother to know the professional name of them? Even most Chinese don't know it.
23 มิถุนายน 2009
the four tones=四个声调 the four tones is not 第四声 !!! and the four tones are the first tone(一声 yi[first tune] sheng[first tune]), the second tone(二声 er [the fourth tune] sheng[first tune]), the third tone(三声 san[first tune] sheng[first tune]) and the fourth tone(四声 si[the fourth tune] sheng[the first tune]).
23 มิถุนายน 2009
I think Xiao anserde wonderfully. the four tones=四个声调(si4 ge4 sheng1 diao4)or 四声(si4 sheng1) the first tone(一声 yi 1 sheng1), the second tone(二声 er 4 sheng 1) the third tone(三声 san1 sheng 1) the fourth tone(四声 si4 sheng1) 是的,一到四声的专业说法会是阴平、阳平、上声、去声。但是请注意,这种称呼只有中文专业的学习才用。对于非专业,尤其是普通的外国学习者来说,根本没有必要知道这样的称呼吧。
24 มิถุนายน 2009