What does the word "sweet fixes" means? I found this word in an article of the Guardian. It said: sugar conditions our brains to crave ever-bigger sweet fixes. I'm not sure what "sweet fixes" are. Are there any differences between "sweet fixes" and "sweets"? I'd be pleased if someone could tell me about it.
13 ส.ค. 2019 เวลา 14:56
คำตอบ · 7
So a sweet refers to food of a high sugar content- candy, biscuits, chocolate etc. A sweet fix refers to the eating of these sweet foods, with a fix being the portion of the sugary food we eat. So in the article you have seen it is saying that "the more sugar we eat, the more the brain tells us that we must eat more sugar". A fix can be used to refer a craving for any type of food or drink, or can be extended to further to things like movie genre or hobby. With fix meaning an intake, e.g. "I need to get my fix of exercise", " I need a tea fix". It originates from an idea of addiction, that you require this specific thing in order to get back to a normal state. Hope this helps
13 สิงหาคม 2019
The word fix, as a noun, is (informally) used to mean the dose of a substance which an addict requires or obtains. So in this case, sugar wires the brain to need bigger and biger doses of something sweet to satisfy it's cravings.
13 สิงหาคม 2019
I left you an example, Let me know if you need anymore help :)
13 สิงหาคม 2019