![Student Jessie]()
บทเรียนภาษาภาษาอิตาลี จำนวน 20 บทเรียน
I want to express my deepest admiration and gratitude to you in this learning journey full of language charm. From the first time I joined into your class to now, every step of learning is like walking in the sunshine of Italy, warm and full of surprises.
Your professional knowledge is admirable. Your precise grasp of Italian grammatical structure, rich use of vocabulary and easy use of authentic expressions have made me deeply feel the charm of this language. You can always explain complex grammatical rules in the most concise and clear way, making it easy to understand, allowing me to master the difficulties in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, which is a great encouragement to me.Under your guidance, my Italian level has improved significantly, and more importantly, I have learned how to embrace different cultures with an open mind and observe the world from another perspective. This gain goes far beyond the scope of language learning, and it will become a precious treasure for me.
14 มี.ค. 2025