บทเรียนภาษาภาษาบอสเนีย จำนวน 46 บทเรียน
The lessons with Marko are the best - always exciting, funny and enjoyable. Although I only started learning the language six months ago, from zero, we can already talk - about anything that comes to our minds. You never run out of interesting topics with Marko, the conversation just flows. He manages to ensure that I can always express myself despite my limited linguistic means, waits patiently, helps in an empathetic and sensitive way when my language gets stuck.
Thank you, Marko, for all the lessons so far!
Lekcije s Markom su uvijek zabavne. Iako sam počela učiti jezik tek prije šest mjeseci možemo razgovarati o najrazličitijim temama. S Markom nikada ne nedostaje zanimljivih tema, razgovor uvijek teče. On osigurava da uvijek mogu se izraziti bez obzira na moje ograničene jezične sposobnosti. On strpljivo čeka i osjećajno i empatićno pomaže kad moj govor zastane.
Hvala puno, Marko!
23 ธ.ค. 2023