Paulo 保罗พอลโล파울로パウロ
บทเรียนภาษาไทย จำนวน 91 บทเรียน
I'm absolutely amazed at the progress I've achieved in just a month and a half of learning Thai with Timpika. I've already mastered a significant portion of the Thai alphabet and can confidently decipher words with accurate tones. Surpassing the linguistic growth I experienced over a span of five years with my native Thai girlfriend, this accelerated learning journey has been nothing short of amazing. Timpika's exceptional organizational skills and innovative self-created materials have revolutionized my understanding of the language, making it incredibly accessible and enjoyable. Moreover, her delightful personality, incredible patience, and effortless teaching style have made every lesson a breeze to follow and comprehend. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend Timpika to anyone eager to embark on a proper and captivating Thai learning adventure!
27 มิ.ย. 2023