150-Hour Advanced TESOL Certificate - International Open Academy (IOA) - 2023I passed the advanced teaching certificate, with a focus on online teaching, with a score of 99.56%. I was able to refresh and hone my teaching skills after several years of teaching.
Modules include: Pedagogy; Classroom Management; Grammar; Vocabulary; Pronunciation; Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Skills; Learning Aims and Lesson Plans; ESL Fundamentals Online; Props, Resources and Techniques; Successful Online Teaching.
NLP: The Psychology of Success - International Open Academy (IOA) - 2023Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has helped millions of people around the world. I learnt how to help students solve language problems, unleash their true potential, communicate with their brain more effectively, and understand and overcome their fears so they can unlock new possibilities and transform their lives by unlocking a new language. By understanding the psychology of success, I help students open a door to a whole new world of opportunities and connections.
CIE A Levels - Cambridge International Examinations - 2016I studied Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics at a Pre-University level or Year 1 of the American college system. It is also Year 1 of medical school in some countries. The course follows the Cambridge syllabus and the final exam is marked by CIE.
SPM High School Leavers' Examination - Ministry of Education, Malaysia - 2014I passed English, Malay and Mandarin Chinese native level exams with flying colours. I was top of the class and form in English for the majority of my time during my upper secondary years. I was also part of the school debate team.
1119 English - University of Cambridge - 2014I got the highest grade in this native speaker/user level English examination. The exam was taken in Malaysia and our answers were sent to Cambridge, UK for grading.