I didn't come in with too clear a plan myself, but it was good. This is my first time having a Hakka lesson, and I was really happy I found one that spoke essentially the same dialect (惠阳)as I do, with minor vocabulary differences but was easily adjustable.
Deliverance was very accommodating and, at times, made some corrections, which were welcome. It was good that most of the time, she let the conversation flow.
We naturally went to the topic of Hakka's uniqueness and some nursery rhymes that were all new to me. I loved this suggestion since I mentioned I am teaching my daughter Hakka, so I would love to pass these on as well.
Deliverance's enthusiasm during the conversation was also apparent, and I appreciated having such a natural conversation with them. I also have a book recommendation; it is a shame she cannot provide the material; however, I know how difficult it is to source Hakka books or to learn texts. I will look for her suggestion "绘声绘色看方言 客家童谣转外家".
30 ก.ย. 2024