MinChalle It’s the app which I have been using to stick to my resolutions. I believe the name stands for minna de challenge meaning challenge together in English. It works very simple, five peopl who share the same target gather and make a team, then team members post photos of what they did to achieve the target on their forum. The concept of the app is “I can’t do it alone, but we can do it together”. We sometimes encourage each other and feel good pressure from other members’ posts. Thanks to the app, now I can stick to my new year’s resolutions. Actually I gave up one of them until now, but it is not bad for me as I was the kind of person who gave up all the resolutions in three days after I decided.
5 Mar 2021 10:57
Düzeltmeler · 9
MinChalle It’s the app which I have been using to stick to my resolutions. I believe the name stands for minna de challenge meaning try together in English. It works very simply; five peopl who share the same goal gather and make a team, then team members post photos of what they did to achieve their goal on their forum. The concept of the app is “I can’t do it alone, but we can do it together.” We sometimes encourage each other and feel good pressure from other members’ posts. Thanks to the app, now I can stick to my new year’s resolutions. Actually I gave up one of them already, but it is not bad for me as I'm usually the kind of person who gives up all my resolutions within three days.
This was really well written! One thing though: a lot of people think チャレンジする translates to "to challenge." It doesn't lol. "To challenge" actually means "to say that something is incorrect or unjust." We usually use it like "the lawyer challenged the discriminatory law in court." "I challenged my teacher's grading policy because I thought it was unfair." I think that "To try" is a better translation of チャレンジする. We'll often say thing's like "I want to try taking the Eiken, even though it's difficult." "The class might be a little difficult for me, but I want to try it!"
5 Mart 2021
MinChalle This is the app which I have been using to stick to my resolutions. I believe the name stands for minna de challenge meaning "challenge together" in English. How it works is very simple: five people who share the same target gather and make a team, then team members post photos of what they did to achieve the target on their forum. The concept of the app is “I can’t do it alone, but we can do it together”. We sometimes encourage each other and feel encouraged by other members’ posts. Thanks to the app, now I can stick to my new year’s resolutions. Actually I gave up on one of them until now, but that's not bad for me as I used to be the kind of person who gave up on all the resolutions three days after I decided them.
That's a great idea! I'll have to check it out! :)
5 Mart 2021
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