Neden kimse Türkçe yazmiyor mi? soru Turkce yazilmıştir
18 Tem 2021 17:13
Düzeltmeler · 9
Neden kimse Türkçe yazmiyor? soru Türkçe yazılmış.
18 Temmuz 2021
Neden kimse Türkçe yazmiyor mi? soru Turkce yazilmıştir You need to use either the question word (neden/why) or the yes/no question marker mI, they can't be together.
18 Temmuz 2021
18 Temmuz 2021
Neden kimse Türkçe yazmiyor mi? soru Turkce yazilmıştir You need to use either the question word (neden/why) or the yes/no question marker mI, they can't be together. Thank you very much for explaining that to me, what about where in English you can write, "why did/didn't don't won't you (x) ?" .. with a question mark at the end for writing. But not necessary in speaking. This is what confuses English speakers..
18 Temmuz 2021
Thank you I will study your answer about the English and Turkish yes no questions
Thank you I will study your answer about the English and Turkish yes no questions
19 Temmuz 2021
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