Trying to learn dutch, not quite sure where/how to start

Hello, I am a new member of italki! I have had the goal of learning Dutch for about 3 months but never really got into it. I think I should now because I see possible interests in studying abroad in Holland as well as talking casually!

18 Tem 2014 04:51
Yorumlar · 2


Well the most Dutchmen (or Belgians) already speak good enough english, i'm not saying you shouldn't but .. learn it only if you are truly interested in the language/culture (or moving there indefinitely). Because if you are not motivated enough, you will get mentally beat down by them switching to english whenever they see you are a foreigner or your dutch level isn't high enough.


You need to find a suitable method for yourself, whatever works for me, may not work for you. Get 2-3 books/methods (different types of books), one more based on grammar, one less based on grammar. Try different methods : flashcards, translations, reading, grammar exercises etc. And see what suits you best. Get a routine going, practice everyday for a minimum of X minutes. (X= depending on how much free time you have)


Oh yeah and avoid Rosetta Stone if you are short on time and want to make the most out of every minute.

18 Temmuz 2014

Im sorry about posting 2 times. I must have hit submit 2 times.

18 Temmuz 2014