School is that magic place where we get taught many valuable lesson and start to understand how this world works. We should always be grateful to our teachers , all of them . It is not about giving of lesson and getting back to Home , what teacher say to us could deeply affect how we look like after a few years. The most important lesson is how to be humble and stable whatever the achievement we accomplish . The toughest enemi that we could ever face is ourselves.
13 Şub 2022 03:53
Düzeltmeler · 3
School is that magic place where we get taught many valuable lessons and start to understand how this world works. We should always be grateful to our teachers , all of them . It is not about giving a lesson and going home , what teachers say to us could deeply affect us for many years. The most important lesson is how to be humble and stable whatever the achievement we accomplish . The toughest enemy that we could ever face is ourselves.
13 Şubat 2022
School is that magical place where we get taught many valuable lessons and begin to understand how this world works. We should always be grateful for our teachers, all of them. School is not only about having lessons and then going home. What teachers say to us could deeply affect our perspectives and world views after a few years. The most important lesson is how to be humble and modest whatever achievements we accomplish. The toughest enemy that we could ever face is ourselves.
Well done, I totally agree with what you're saying!
13 Şubat 2022
School is that magic place where we get taught many valuable lessons and start to understand how this world works. We should always be grateful to our teachers, all of them. It's not about the teaching of the lessons and then going back home; what teachers say to us could deeply affect how we act after a few years. The most important lesson is how to be humble and stable whatever the achievement we accomplish. The toughest enemy that we could ever face is ourselves.
Good job! I'm glad you had such a nice experience in school. Hope that helps!
13 Şubat 2022
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