אלוהים יברך אותך
using phonetic x (i.e. xummus, xalapeño, Guadalaxara...):
"Elohim yevarex otxa" (to men) / "otax" (to women)
both are spelled "אותך", with differnt Niqqud (diacritics).
Elohim literally means God. Among hebrew speakers it ussually implies the hebrew god, but the word can refer to any belief system. For example, the second commandment uses this word: "You should not have other Elohim but me".
Orthodox jews avoid using the word "Elohim" ouside prayers or studies. Some might even find a casual use of this word OFFENSIVE.
השם / Hashem ("the name") is usually used as a casual alternative, common enough to become a frequent word by itself.
Note that השם refers exclusively to the hebrew god.
Another alt is אלוקים Elokim - altering a single letter so the word is no longer "sacred". Its' use is far less frequent, however.