Jayden Cool
question Barbie has one moment of clear, premonitory terror; one moment when the worst is still ahead.Then, four miles distant, a brilliant white spark flicks the hazy sky, like a stroke of lightning that goes up instead of down. A moment later, a titanic explosion hammers a hole straight through the center of the day. A red ball of fire blots out first the WCIK tower, then the trees behind it,and then the whole horizon as it spreads north and south. Question 1: Does “one moment when the worst is still ahead.” mean “one moment before the worst comes.”? Is “when the worst is still ahead” an attributive clause? Question 2: Does “flick” in this case mean to touch or hit with a light quick blow or fillip? The brilliant white spark is quickly touching the sky. Right? Question 3: What’s the meaning of “hammers a hole straight through the center of the day”?
27 Nis 2016 05:11