2015 - 2016
Italian & English TeacherSinkey XI'AN - Xi'an, Çin
2017 - 2017
Volunteer Italian teacherChina Town Community in Milan - Milan, İtalya
2014 - 2020
Chinese language tutorFreelance - Milan, İtalya
2021 - Güncel
Chinese TeacherIl Laboratorio delle Lingue - Lecco, İtalyaTeaching basic and intermediate Chinese.
2021 - Güncel
Italian TeacherFreelance - Valgreghentino, İtalya- Teaching Italian as a Second Language
- 1-to-1 or 1-to-2 classes
2019 - 2020
International Head HunterProPosition - Milan, İtalyaI have worked as International Headhunter focusing on the Consultancy, Food & Beverages and Automotive fields.